Simpler Living
A Ministry of St. Paul's Cathedral, San Diego, California
St. Paul’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on unceded Kumeyaay land. We value the knowledge, culture, and worldview of Indigenous people. We commit to the vital work of educating ourselves, increasing community awareness, and promoting reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbors.
As we examine actions and practices that perpetuate harm against Indigenous communities, we pledge to work toward a meaningful and respectful relationship as we follow their example in honoring this sacred land.
“Scripture tells us that God looked at the whole creation and found it to be very good. As stewards of God’s good creation we have the joyful responsibility of caring for the earth and all that is in it. At St Paul’s, our Simpler Living ministry seeks to guide us in best practices of creation care, as part of our worship of our loving, liberating, life-giving God.”
The Very Reverend Penny Bridges, Dean
Who we are
Destroying the planet is against our religion
Simpler Living is a ministry of St. Paul’s Cathedral in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego dedicated to growing in relationship with God and Creation. We seek a Christian response to the environmental crisis and our excessive consumerism by living more simply and sustainably in home, church, community, and the world.
Our areas of interest include: faith and simpler living; creation stewardship; creation care education; alternatives to unsustainable fuels; energy conservation; transportation alternatives; water conservation; sustainable agriculture; food justice; sustainable consumption; composting; social justice; fair trade; and political advocacy.
In our role as creation care stewards, Simpler Living is excited about the possibilities of integrating this concern for sustainable practices throughout St. Paul’s Cathedral’s campus, what we think of as the “greening of the Cathedral.”

Photo by Simpler Living volunteer
Our meetings
We meet via Zoom at 6:45 pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month. We hold an informal check in from 6:45 pm – 7 pm. The meeting officially begins at 7pm and ends at or before 8 pm. All are welcome! The link to join the Zoom meeting is below.

Photo by Simpler Living volunteer
Our Work
Ongoing communication with our congregation; Creation Care collaboration with other churches in the San Diego diocese and community environmental efforts; Creation Care Faith Forum series; two movie/discussion nights; ongoing enviornmental projects. Such as advocacy for the San Diego countywide transportation equity bill:
San Diego Let’s Go! Click Here
Photo by Simpler Living volunteer
UN Climate Conference Recap (Virtual)
February 6, 2023, 7 pm
Simpler Living Greening of the Cathedral
National Creation Care Resources
ECUSA Creation Care:
ECUSA Creation Care Pledge:
ECUSA Carbon Tracker tool:
Interfaith Resources
Interfaith Power and Light:
Interfaith Coalition on Earth Justice:
Photo by Simpler Living volunteer
Contact us
Click the link below to email a simpler living member directly. Stay up-to-date with our newsletter, fill out the form.
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Who we are
The title is the standard H2: Raleway, 500 weight, uppercase, size 32.
This Paragraph is the standard text: Roboto, size 18, Hex color: 353535 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.