Who We Are
The Peace and Justice Committee, an outreach ministry of the Cathedral, engages members of the congregation to work for peace and justice.
We actively pray for peace at every level of our lives and for the world.
- We inform the congregation of opportunities to speak or to stand publicly for issues of peace and justice.
- We support organizations whose mission is focused on the furtherance of peace and justice.
- We host and facilitate events designed to further peace and justice.
Issues of particular focus vary from time to time. In 2018 we formulated a document entitled Principles for Social Justice that was adopted by the Cathedral’s Chapter in 2019 and revised in 2022.
Principles for Social Justice
St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral San Diego
That there may be justice and peace on the earth
As a community of Christian faith, we offer this statement to articulate our position on important issues of social justice. By informing others and reminding ourselves what Jesus calls us to do, we hope, with God’s help, to better our world.
- We promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our
neighbors as ourselves. - We promise to strive for justice and peace among all people.
- We promise to respect the dignity of every human being.
In elaboration of, and toward our fulfillment of, these promises:
- We believe that every human being on our planet is our neighbor whom we are called to love.
- We believe that every human being is entitled to the basic essentials of food, clothing, shelter, health care, education and equal justice; and we strive to make that a reality in our world.
- We believe that truth is morally central to our personal and public lives.
- We stand against oppression based on race, color, creed, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ability, age, or difference.
- We call for a moral revival of the deepest spiritual values in the tradition of our society.
- We call for our society to step forward in supporting the marginalized and rehabilitating those who have fallen.
- We call for the stranger to be treated with welcome while in our land.
- We call for a reversal of the forces that are accelerating economic inequality and environmental degradation.
- We call for the leaders at all levels of our society to learn once again to work together, particularly toward equal opportunity and equal justice for all.
- We call for all people to realize that together we are part of the world-wide community that shares and cares for this planet Earth, our island home.
Blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of Heaven is theirs. Blessed are the sorrowful; they shall find consolation. Blessed are the gentle; they shall have the earth for their possession. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst to see right prevail; they shall be satisfied. Blessed are those who show mercy; mercy shall be shown to them. Blessed are those whose hearts are pure; they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called God’s children. Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of right; the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Adopted by the Cathedral Chapter, January 8, 2019. Sources: The Reclaiming Jesus Declaration, 2018; The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival, 2018; The Gospel According to Matthew (Revised English Bible, 1989); The Book of Common Prayer, 1979. text
Policy on Outside Endorsements
During 2020 we assisted the Cathedral’s Chapter in developing a policy to guide Cathedral decisions on how to handle outside requests for endorsements. A copy of that policy is here.
In recent years we have considered and addressed:
- Gun violence prevention
- The problem of homelessness
- Opposing the separation of families at the border
- Immigration issues generally
- The scourge of human trafficking
- Understanding racial inequity and covert racism
- Supporting LGBT people
- Helping refugees
- Environmental justice
Our Official Collect
For the Oppressed
Look with pity, O heavenly Father, upon the people in this land who live with injustice, terror, disease, and death as their constant companions. Have mercy upon us. Help us to eliminate our cruelty to these our neighbors. Strengthen those who spend their lives establishing equal protection of the law and equal opportunities for all. And grant that every one of us may enjoy a fair portion of the riches of this land; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Book of Common Prayer, p. 826

Our Meetings

We hold our meetings usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm. We follow the agenda for each meeting under the guidance of the chairperson. In some months there may be insufficient business for a meeting.
Those interested in either (a) joining the Ministry or (b) becoming a “friend” of the Ministry should speak to Paul Teyssier, the Chair, or to the Rev. Canon Richard Lief, or send email to peacejustice at the Cathedral, i.e., at stpaulcathedral.org.
Our Work
In this space we will share a variety of articles, sermons, and other material intended to inform and instruct. We will also use this space to report on various activities in which the Peace & Justice Ministry is engaged.
Join The Committee

Our Covenant with Each Other as we seek to promote peace and justice
Recognizing our own need to belong to the Beloved Community, and our desire to be heard, to be loved and to love, we commit ourselves to these basic guidelines so that we may work toward being a light on the hill serving the Kingdom of God in humility and with Joy in the cause of Peace and Justice for all God’s People.
- We will encourage each other by listening to each other without judgment and without blaming or shaming, and respecting the dignity of each person.
- We will follow the agenda for each meeting under the guidance of the chairperson, who can adjust the agenda as needs arise in the meeting.
- We will listen to and rejoice in the depth and grace given us by the Spirit.
- We will work closely with each other on projects and promotions of the committee, and celebrate together our efforts.