Welcome to St. Paul's!
Whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.
St. Paul’s Cathedral is an Episcopal church located in the diocese (regional group) of San Diego.
A cathedral is traditionally known as the ‘seat of the bishop.’ The bishop of our diocese is the Right Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook. The head priest of a cathedral is a dean. Our dean is the Very Rev. Penny Bridges.
St. Paul’s is a Cathedral for the City of San Diego. We are a landmark in Banker’s Hill, across from Balboa Park. Our mission is to Love Christ, Serve Others, and Welcome All. We have a congregation that consists of people from all over San Diego from many different backgrounds, and we warmly embrace our location near Hillcrest and our LGBTQ community and members.
We hope the web site is only the beginning of your exploration of the cathedral congregation. If you are looking for a spiritual home, please know that you will be welcome here.
Get Connected!
You are just a few clicks away from getting connected to the Cathedral. Here you can sign up for the weekly newsletter, express interest in a ministry, ask for a priest to contact you, or more. We’re glad you are here!
The best place to start exploring St. Paul’s is by attending worship. Weekly on Sunday we offer an 8 am, 10:30 am and 5 pm service.
The best place to look for our events is by starting on our calendar page. It contains the online links for each event to help you get started.

When you are ready to become a member of St. Paul’s, you can email The Reverend Canon Richard Hogue (hoguer@stpaulcathedral.org). Anyone is able to make a pledge of financial support at any time.
You can also reach out to Rev. Hogue if you have questions about baptism, confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation. We regularly prepare newcomers for these sacraments as a part of our “What is a Christian?” and “What is an Episcopalian?” classes (see below).

Getting Connected
About quarterly, we gather for a Newcomer’s Brunch. This is a time to share a simple meal and fellowship, and also to ask questions of the staff and a few long-time members. You are invited to as many newcomer’s brunches as you like until you feel like the long-timer!
We have classes each Fall and Spring open to everyone but designed especially for newcomers to answer questions, introduce you to other newcomers, and help you get to know cathedral clergy. The fall offering is called “What is a Christian?” and the spring offering is called “What is an Episcopalian?”. Whether you are brand new to the Episcopal church or a cradle Episcopalian, these are good ways to get connected to your new spiritual home. Each spring, the bishop offers confirmation to those who have desire to be confirmed at the end of this series of classes. More information is available from the clergy, here.
St. Paul’s is full of ministry opportunities, and your gifts and talents will find a home here if you make this your spiritual home. A list of cathedral ministries is here to help you discern if you might be called to one of these ministries. Each fall, we also hold a ministry fair to encourage members to try on new ministries and explore the new ways God might be working in the gifts we each have, strengthened together in community.

Frequently Asked Questions
Sunday we offer an 8 am Eucharist, a 10:30 am Choral Eucharist and 5 pm Evensong. We also have a weekly 12 pm Eucharist on Fridays.
During the week we have daily prayer services on Zoom.
You can view the most up-to-date schedule on our Services Page (Click Here).
You become an Episcopalian by joining our worshiping community. We recognize the baptism of most other Christian denominations. Formal recognition of membership can be achieved through confirmation or reception by the Bishop, and through a brief liturgical recognition of commitment during the Sunday service.
Any of our clergy or staff are happy to help you when you are visiting us here at the Cathedral. For questioned ahead of time please reach out to, info@stpaulcathedral.org.
The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the mother church of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, which comprises 42 Episcopal congregations in and near San Diego County. A cathedral is the official “seat” of a bishop and is usually the location for major diocesan events such as ordinations.
The Episcopal Church is a US-based Christian denomination with presence in 17 nations. It was founded after the American Revolution to provide a home in the United States for Christians who had formerly been members of the Church of England. Today there are 111 dioceses, most of them in the US, and each one is headed by a bishop who is elected by the clergy and lay people of the diocese. Governance in the Episcopal Church is generally shared between clergy and lay people. All positions of leadership are open to women. The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a family of 46 Christian denominations descended from the Church of England.
We welcome you to explore your faith, ask questions, and join us in our warm and diverse community.
Useful Links
The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego edsd.org
The Episcopal Church episcopalchurch.org
The Anglican Communion anglicancommunion.org
Calendar of Saints episcopalchurch.org/lectionary
Calendar of readings for Sundays and Holy Days lectionarypage.net
Phone app for daily morning and evening prayer: Mission St. Clare (missionstclare.com)