From Simpler Living, the Cathedral’s Creation Care ministry:
Tree planting service reminder: Help Bless the Trees
Friday, March 11, 4 pm, Balboa Park
Simpler Living was one of many tree contributors, and we will participate in the blessing and dedication. Join us on Friday March 11 at 4 pm for a brief liturgy in Balboa Park on Sixth Avenue, just south of the Bridge Club house at Redwood St. Light refreshments will be provided.
(reflecting on the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report – on the dire state of the climate crisis):
God, we come to you in grief and despair for the state of your creation.Today, we look with an unflinching gaze into the reality of climate catastrophe, because we are to be a people who do not turn away from suffering and injustice.
May our lament turn to compassion and our rage turn to action. When hope seems foolish and impossible, may we continue to work for the restoration of this world.
In grief, despair, and lament, we offer this prayer through Jesus Christ, our creator, redeemer, and sustainer. Amen
Adapted from Creation Justice Ministries litany, 3/2022
Action: What California is doing about microplastics:
“Once in the environment, microplastics – like macroplastics – can wreak havoc on ecosystems, wildlife, and may be even more insidious to human health. Microplastics are showing up in our ocean, on our beaches, in the food we eat, in the water we drink, and even in the air we breathe. Not only are these chemicals harmful to the wildlife that consumes them, many toxins from microplastics are also known to bioaccumulate in the body….The California Ocean Protection Council’s Statewide Microplastics Strategy is a step in the right direction for California to lead the nation and the world in reducing microplastic pollution.” (The Surfrider Foundation)
And what we can do to advocate for change:
Support Clean Water Programs in EPA’s FY2023 Budget (Click Here)
Urge President Biden to Protect our Ocean and Coasts from Climate Change (Click Here)