Construction Updates, October 2, 2019

Regular Wednesday Construction Update Meeting Date: Oct 2, 2019 Present: Meeting was canceled due to construction work on electrical system This week’s Top 5 points: TOP 5 to Communicate with Congregation: Electrical work is being done in anticipation of the “big switch over” who’s date is still TBD.  Phone and internet accessibility has been affected … READ MORE…

Construction Update September 25

Regular Construction Update Reviewed schedule: Title company said it’s ok to continue the demo work, so demo of the Admin building continues.  Tear down has begun. Working on coming up with a plan to protect the 2nd floor balcony walkway once demo really gets underway. Still waiting for Cox/ATT to bring their wiring over to the … READ MORE…

Home Alone

It was a hilarious film in 1990 as Macauley Culken plays an eight-year-old kid who is home alone and whose ingenuity fends off two would-be burglars (bunglers?). Home alone isn’t always that funny. Yesterday in the check out line at COSTO, the checker had to look up a price for something I was buying. I … READ MORE…

Construction Update September 18

Regular Construction Update Reviewed schedule: Queen’s Courtyard ready to begin demo Finishing stairs for thurifer porch and vesting stairwell by clergy lot SDGE releases received but questions about the address they have on the paperwork.  Greystar following up so there are no unexpected delays due to paperwork. Asbestos abatement done on Friday this week or … READ MORE…

Homecoming Sunday!

Dear St. Paul’s family, It’s Homecoming Sunday!  Welcome home. Every year we designate a Sunday in the fall as homecoming Sunday.  Usually it is homecoming because the summer often brings a different routine. Whether it is vacation, sleeping in, a break from school, finding cool places to avoid the heat, or just the lazy days … READ MORE…

Construction Update September 12

Regular Construction Update Meeting Reviewed schedule: SDGE looks like about 2 weeks left for main package underground. Asbestos abatement started in the Admin building this week. Cox conversion is progressing.  Cored holes on the north side of the workroom wall for entry point. They’ll run the lines once the main electrical is done. Tower bring … READ MORE…

Construction Update September 4

Regular Wednesday Construction Update Meeting Site Logistics Plan review: Reviewed pathways and exits for upcoming work. Elevator lobby review of pathway and time frame.  Will likely end by Sept 9th at the latest Sewer lines are in and back filled and electrical is getting trenched.  Everything on is on time. Only possible slow down would be … READ MORE…

Construction Update August 28

Regular Wednesday Construction Update Meeting Site Logistics Plan review: Reviewed pathways and exits for upcoming work. Elevator lobby review of pathway and time frame.  Will likely end by Sept 9th at the latest Sewer lines are in and back filled and electrical is getting trenched.  Everything on is on time. Only possible slow down would be … READ MORE…

Construction Update August 21

Regular Wednesday Construction Update Meeting Site Logistics Plan review:  At Tom’s request, Greystar added detail to the section on elevator replacement.  Delivery of the elevator is expected on November 8, with installation to take 8 weeks, or until after the first week of January 2020.  There was discussion about the possibility of alternate routes for … READ MORE…

Construction Update August 14

Regular Wednesday Construction Update Meeting Site Logistics Plan review: Reviewed pathways and exits for upcoming work. Similar to last week, except for when work is happening in the first floor elevator lobby. Rocky brought in a new dumpster for trash which is white and in the clergy parking lot. General info: Permit progress: The permits … READ MORE…