This week, Green Your Meal!

From our Simpler Living Ministry This past year, Simpler Living has shared some of the Creation Justice Ministries52 Ways to Care for Creation, one for each week of the year. Week 51 (we’re almost there!) is Plan a Green Meal. The idea is to cook a one-pot meal using produce from your local farmers market (or a farm … READ MORE…

Simpler Living: A Prayer for the Season

Prayer: God of light, the daylight shortens as the winter solstice approaches. We await the coming of the Savior whose light will never darken. Grant us during this Advent and winter nourishing rains and peaceful snowfalls to replenish the earth’s aquifers, lakes and rivers. Restore the land so it will produce bountiful harvests for all … READ MORE…

We’re Not Buying It! And a prayer for all seasons

In a strange way, our culture of acquisition provides us with a helpful red (or shall we say black) flag to consider living more simply in this climate emergency. We are all aware of stores that decorate for Christmas even before Halloween.  Then there’s the ubiquitous Black Friday “holiday.”  Here’s an article that reminds us … READ MORE…

Simpler Living: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an obvious (though hardly the only) time to offer our gratitude to the Creator for all we have been given.  In the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a chapter on gratitude includes the Thanksgiving Address with which some Indigenous children begin and end their school week.  The Thanksgiving Address is also used to open social … READ MORE…

Sacred Ground in Action Town Hall (SGIA): Kumeyaay Voices

Sunday, November 14, 6 pm, On Zoom As we observe Indigenous People’s Month, Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living are collaborating on activities to cultivate greater awareness of our country’s treatment of indigenous people, with an emphasis on the Kumeyaay Nation. Recognizing that we worship on unceded Kumeyaay land, we are exploring avenues to create … READ MORE…

Simpler Living Prayer and Additional Resources

As the UN Climate Conference, COP26, continues until 11/12, please consider this or a similar prayer for its success:  Creator God, on behalf of the poor, the disenfranchised, climate refugees, and victims of disasters, we pray that a spirit of empathy would so deeply move the COP26 decision makers that they will commit to positive … READ MORE…

Simpler Living: COP26-Last best hope!

Advice from Episcopal delegation member Lisa Graumlich as we anticipate the opening of the UN Climate Conference this week-end (10/31 – 11/12):  “Actively reach out to friends and family to have the challenging conversations about climate change and our collective future. … As people of faith, we know the power of lamentation when we set aside denial … READ MORE…

Destroying the Earth is against our religion!

Thanks to those who contacted their County Supervisor and President Biden to share this message from Faiths 4 Climate Justice.  If you haven’t yet done so, there’s still time.  And thanks to Bob Oslie for sounding the alarm on this climate emergency with protracted bell ringing at services last Sunday. Check out this excellent article from … READ MORE…