Celebrate a Day in Nature with Simpler Living!

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:In recognition of Earth Month, the Diocese invites churches to spend A Day in Nature on Saturday, 4/30. Simpler Living members and friends will enjoy a bay walk on Shelter Island at 9 am, meeting in the at the west end of the parking lot near Bali Hai Restaurant. Please join us as we walk … READ MORE…

Hope That Transcends

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry The Bad News First: UN climate report – It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degree (Click for details) And as we who follow Jesus know, there is always hope. This account focuses on the healing medicine found in hiking: wherever one might find their trail. … READ MORE…

Cathedral’s Simpler Living Garden Retreat

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:In a prequel to Earth Month and leading up to Creation Care Sunday, our Simpler Living Ministry held an annual Garden Retreat on Saturday morning, March 26.  Those attending – members of the Cathedral, St. Mark’s, and Mission Hills UCC – found that you cannot walk Cindy Schuricht’s lovely … READ MORE…

Link Spirituality and Climate Change AND Plant a Tree!

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry EducationThe Links Between Spirituality and Climate Change purports that “spiritual values drive individual behaviors for more than 80 per cent of people”. PrayerMy beloved children,who were knit in you mother’s womb deep in the depths of the earth,You too were called by name along with the cedar tree, the red-bellied … READ MORE…

Retreat Reminder, Prayer & SD Climate Action Plan

From St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Simpler Living Garden Retreat reminder:  Come and celebrate spring in the garden of parishioner Cindy Schuricht!  Simpler Living has planned a meditative garden retreat for Saturday, March 26, from 9:30 a.m. till noon.  Celtic morning prayer will set the mood.  You may walk an outdoor labyrinth, enjoy … READ MORE…

Tree planting, Prayer & Action

From Simpler Living, the Cathedral’s Creation Care ministry: Tree planting service reminder: Help Bless the TreesFriday, March 11, 4 pm, Balboa ParkSimpler Living was one of many tree contributors, and we will participate in the blessing and dedication. Join us on Friday March 11 at 4 pm for a brief liturgy in Balboa Park on Sixth … READ MORE…

For Lent: Fast, Reflect, or both! (and Pray, of course!)

From our Simpler Living Committee Consider a carbon fast! Climate Stewards USA has a weekly theme associated suggested things to fast. Click to learn more! Daily Reflection-Action Calendar to Cultivate Creation JusticeCreation Justice Ministries has provided an excellent daily reflection-action calendar for Lent. Click here to view the PDF! Registration is still open for the Sacred Earth, Sacred … READ MORE…

A Celtic Prayer, Retreat Invitation, and Book Study Reminder

From our Simpler Living Committee A Time Away: Lenten Garden RetreatSimpler Living will offer a Lenten Garden Retreat on Saturday, March 26 from 9:30 am to noon. We will gather at the home of Cindy Schuricht in La Mesa, and begin with a Celtic morning prayer.  After that participants may wander the garden, sit and meditate, journal, … READ MORE…

Another Way to Advocate for God’s Creation, Prayer, and Save the Date!

From our Simpler Living Committee  An educational opportunity from Creation Justice Ministries: Over the last year, Congress has considered legislation that would build climate resilience in God’s people and planet. But what is the difference between the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package and the Build Back Better Act? What has Congress already done and what do we still … READ MORE…

Looking forward to Spring

From our Simpler Living Committee As we move through winter, and start to think spring, here’s a creative idea to get your gardening juices moving. Interfaith Power and Light (a Creation Care partner of St. Paul’s Cathedral) has put together a Pizza Garden Seed Kit. Included are heirloom seeds of tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs.  There’s nothing like tending … READ MORE…