Opening Our Eyes to Diversity

From Our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry Here are two ways that we might deepen our engagement with ideas that can lead to action: Action One:On Saturday morning, May 13, several Contemplative Outreach Chapters are sponsoring Ubuntu and Contemplation: How an Indigenous African Philosophy Maps Our Spiritual Path to Global Community with author Michael Battle. He writes: “By educating participants … READ MORE…

SGIA: Sowing Seeds of Justice

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry (SGIA) At last week’s Good Friday Stations of the Cross at Border Church, the terrible impact of US immigration policies was evident. Although migrants shared stories of fear, discouragement, and sadness, hope was evidenced by accounts of perseverance and determination. One symbol of that hope was the Binational … READ MORE…

April is Genocide Awareness Month

From our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry It’s called genocide.  That’s what it was, a genocide.  No other way to describe it.  And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books. Governor Gavin Newsom In order to address the wrongs committed in the past we have to confront that reality in … READ MORE…

Real Stories About Black Mothering

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) Ministry As we reach the end of Women’s Month, check out these two Yes! articles offering honest perspectives on Black Mothering, a topic that is poorly represented in the media. The first introduces We Live for the We: The Political Power of Black Motherhood with an interview with book author Dani McClain. … READ MORE…

Being Good Neighbors

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry While we hear about the importance of building community as we are called to love our neighbor, only miles away at our southern border federal contractors are gearing up to begin a former president’s border wall.  Setting aside the logical question WHY? we are invited to practice our belief … READ MORE…

Unraveling Generations of Hate

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry (SGIA) Change can come from the least likely places to the least likely people.  Blues pianist Daryl Davis has spent over 30 years helping white nationalists consider a new way of being through his own search for answers in dialogue and education. Read the article on … READ MORE…

10 Black Women Innovators

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action ministry During Black History month and into Women’s History month to come, we recognize how we are blessed with the tenacity of women who persevere against unjust restrictions of their society and the times. This article celebrates only some of the many inventions and improvements of unsung black women … READ MORE…

The Power and Healing of Stories

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Storytelling is vital way to share information, especially as the words of the storyteller enlighten us about their experiences and how they impact them, and all of us. Stories can move us to action. At this year’s annual Winter Talk, organized by TEC Office of Indigenous Ministries, PB Michael Curry … READ MORE…

In Remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther king Jr.

While reading Dream March by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson, my seven-year old grandson Kieran said he didn’t think it was fair that Dr. King was arrested and jailed for his belief that everyone should be treated equally.  Hopefully our youth will be so impacted by the brave words of so many, not only Dr. King, who speak out … READ MORE…

Sustaining Culture

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry (SGIA) Culture is the heartbeat of a community. How can neighbors maintain dignity, safety, and a sense of self worth when their lives are upended by exploitation and greed? Through awareness offered to us through these accounts we may be able to advocate for our neighborhoods to thrive … READ MORE…