Empathy to Action: Matika Wilbur’s Photography

Matika Wilbur

From our Sacred Ground In Action Ministry (SGIA)

There are many ways to educate and inspire us to move from empathy into action, and art is high on the list.  In Matika Wilson’s art, photography brings life into focus: especially the richness of Indigenous cultures.

From her website: “In 2012 Matika Wilbur sold everything in her Seattle apartment and created Project 562 which reflects her commitment to visit, engage and photograph all 562 plus Native American sovereign territories in the United States… This work overcomes historical inaccuracies, stereotypical representations, and silenced Native American voices in massive-media. Matika’s work aims to humanize the otherwise “vanishing race”, and shares stories that Native Americans would like told…”

To read an account of her story, go to “Visions of Indigenous Futures” at Yesmagazine.org.

And watch her TEDx Talk on YouTube.

O Great Creator, cleanse our hearts of all stain from sin and brokenness, that we may walk with you along the good road, your holy way. Purify our minds, that we may be guided by your holy word. Clear our eyes, that we may see the goodness you have created. Open our ears that we may hear your voice. Make our souls one with yours, that we may worship you in spirit and in truth, and love you with all our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. May our hearts always beat as one with yours, through your Great Messenger, your Son, Jesus. Amen.

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