Sacred Ground in Action: Peace, Justice, and Policing in BIPOC Communities

Inequity in the US justice system continues to plague our communities. Next Tuesday at 1PM PT, Fellowship of Reconciliation will present a conversation about policing with the former Executive Director of the National Black Police Association, Ronald E. Hampton.   “When I first began working with FOR in late 2022, our team was having conversations about the issues surrounding … READ MORE…

Sacred Ground in Action: The Reconciling Power of the Spirit

At the second day of It’s All About Love: The Episcopal Church’s summer festival for the Jesus Movement, worship and a plenary session on racial reconciliation were the focus of “Awake, Arise, Act: Racial Reconciliation Now.”  Hundreds of Episcopalians from the Church’s nine provinces heard about our call to love one another within the foundation of justice. “What kind … READ MORE…

Letter from Sacred Ground in Action

Dear Friends: In May 2017, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President Gay Jennings extended an invitation to the entire Church to embark on a journey of racial healing, reconciliation, and justice, known as Becoming Beloved Community. Members of St. Paul’s have responded to the call to embraced this transformative journey.  During the … READ MORE…

With a Finger on the Pulse of God’s Creation

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) and Simpler Living Creation Care Ministries: It’s about time that we recognize the valuable contributions of our indigenous neighbors whose roots are deep in love for all Creation.  In their yesmagazine article, author Jazmin “Sunny” Murphy outlines a history filled with too many past wrongs against those … READ MORE…

Juneteenth: A Day of Remembrance and Resolve

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, is “the oldest internationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.” As people of faith we are called to remember June 19 as a day not only to celebrate the victory that arose from struggle, sacrifice, … READ MORE…

Loving Our Neighbor Calls Us To Action

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry Recently a number of Interfaith ministers met for a San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP) press conference in remembrance of George Floyd, murdered at the hands of public servants who were sworn to serve the public. Many faith-filled words were spoken.  More importantly, allies were called to take … READ MORE…

The Kumeyaay – Critical Awareness, Critical Activation

From Our Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) Ministry As followers of Jesus, we are invited to be in relationship with our neighbors. Here is an opportunity to learn about the history and resilience of the Kumeyaay people. One of the offerings of the Critical Awareness – Critical Activation series,“Kumeyaay History and Perspectives – The Ipai/Tipai Nation”, will … READ MORE…

Lifting Up Our AAPI Members

From our Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) Ministry Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebrates the contributions of millions who have contributed much to this country. Yet violence toward our AAPI neighbors continues. As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of eve human … READ MORE…

Empathy to Action: Matika Wilbur’s Photography

From our Sacred Ground In Action Ministry (SGIA) There are many ways to educate and inspire us to move from empathy into action, and art is high on the list.  In Matika Wilson’s art, photography brings life into focus: especially the richness of Indigenous cultures. From her website: “In 2012 Matika Wilbur sold everything in … READ MORE…