Implicit Hate in Legislation Creates Consequences

From our Sacred Ground in Action Ministry

Our country has seen a rise in laws that are subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – in cancelling the importance of how we treat one another in our world: the necessary and painful history of prior injustices to prevent future ones. Similarly there are laws that normalize the ownership and use of weapons that are more powerful than what could ever be needed for self-protection, and are often available to people who might – and do, with encouragement of hate groups – use them to harm others.

It is worth noting that, according to National Public Radio, ’Several black colleges received anonymous bomb threats on the first day of Black History Month last year….Before he approached the Dollar General [in Jacksonville, Florida last week] the gunman attempted to drive through …a nearby historically Black university.” He was escorted out of the grounds by campus security.  

As it is often said, thoughts and prayers are nice, but not enough. 

Here’s something to think and pray about: How can people of faith respond to these real threats of denying history and growing hate that harms communities? How can we infuse love into our actions to defang hate and its consequences? We need to be ever watchful and speak out against legislation that is not meant to uplift but instead to tear down.

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