The Palm Sunday Sermon: Procession to peace

Over the past months, there has been a surge at the border. Multiple processions filing in. Caravans, looking for peace, fleeing their homes from violence and challenges in Central America, seeking asylum as they file northward hoping for something better. And processions of military. Forces to hold the line, to “keep the peace.” Razor wire … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Of Love and Death

A dinner party among beloved friends, drawn closer together by a shared experience of loss and renewal. An unexpected and embarrassing interruption, an over-the-top gift, an acting out of unconditional love, an unwelcome reminder of a long shadow that looms over the gathering. I wonder if you have ever had something like this experience? Most … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: coming down from the mountain

There once was a man who, when filling out a form for a job, came to a question which said, “What is your church preference?” The man thought about the question for some time because he really needed the job. He wanted to impress the employer and answered very confidently, “I prefer a red brick … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Wrestling with the Golden Rule

Reading today’s lesson from Genesis is like coming across a long-running soap opera for the first time when the final episode is airing. If you’ve never sat down to read the whole story of Joseph, you have missed out on the oldest novella known to humanity. Starting in chapter 37 of Genesis with the story … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Called into the Deep

In the midst of splendid worship Isaiah cries out, “Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips.” Paul writes that he is unfit to be called an apostle. Simon Peter shrinks back from Jesus, stammering about his own sinfulness. Today’s Scripture conspires to convince us that the call to ministry is no … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Where will you go from here?

What is Jesus talking about in today’s gospel? Why is everyone getting so angry? What are these Nazarenes so upset about? In order to get the whole picture of what Jesus is proclaiming in this week’s gospel we need to remember the whole story, which began in last week’s gospel. Not only that, but we … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Now you are the body of Christ

For about a decade my sons spent time each summer at an Episcopal camp in the Shenandoah Valley. It was an old-fashioned rural camp with rustic cabins each sleeping 10 kids plus a counselor, separate bathroom huts, lots of outdoor activities, and daily worship. The closing worship was always the same. We parents gathered on … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Racism, hospitality, and joy

This week I came across an article about the psychological causes of racism, which lead me down many rabbit trails as I avoided writing this sermon. I found many studies on the relationship between human psychology and the effort to determine the relationship between our anthropology, our psychology, and our choices in making racist and … READ MORE…


A visiting preacher was was testing the acoustics of the cathedral. He fidgeted on the microphone, tapped it a little bit murmured, “There’s something wrong with this microphone.” And the people replied, “And also with you.” Today is the 1st Sunday of the Epiphany and we are celebrating the Baptism of Jesus. There are three … READ MORE…

The Christmas Sermon: the seed of joy

A very Merry Christmas to you all! What does that mean to you? Merry isn’t just a full belly, a bottomless glass, and a few ‘ho, ho, hos.’ Merry comes from Germanic roots that mean ‘short,’ and in Old English it meant pleasant or sweet. Merry is how time flies when you’re having fun – … READ MORE…