Sunday’s Sermon, April 7, 2024:Faithfulness is Lived & Sung

Rev. Cn. Richard Hogue Jr.             We call this gospel reading “Doubting Thomas,” after the eponymous disciple who needs to see Jesus to believe the resurrection. I’m guessing many of us here like Thomas, I certainly do. I don’t blame him for doubting. He witnessed the brutal, humiliating, and public execution of his rabbi and … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, March 31, 2024: The Worst-Kept Secret

Easter Sunday, March 31 2024Penelope Bridges Alleluia, Christ is Risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Do you want to know a secret? When have you enjoyed the experience of holding a delicious secret: maybe the beginning of a pregnancy, or planning a surprise birthday party? You revel in the tension between the knowledge and … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, March 24, 2024: Passion For Life

Rev. Cn. Richard Hogue Jr.             Stories are so important. The story of Jesus’ Passion is the most important story in Christianity. In the wrong hands, a story can be a dangerous thing. The last time I had the privilege of being in this pulpit, I covered some of that dark history in brief terms. … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, March 10, 2024: God’s World, our World

Penelope Bridges Perhaps this week’s parish email should have started with a trigger warning: John 3:16 will be a feature of Sunday morning’s services. “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” It’s the most familiar, most quoted verse in … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, February 11, 2024: Before & After

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Penelope Bridges There are certain moments that divide a life into before and after. The birth of a child; baptism as an adult; a wedding day; the death of a spouse; a serious accident or diagnosis; a national catastrophe. We probably all know where we were on September 11 2001. The images of that day … READ MORE…