Dean’s Letter: Seeking Stephen Ministers

Hello St. Paul’s, I’ve talked about Stephen Ministry in a previous letter, but I want to bring it up again because we are hoping to schedule a training course of Stephen Ministers starting at the end of the summer. So, to start with, here’s a refresher: Stephen Ministry is an interdenominational, international, program that trains … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Hide us under the shadow of thy wings

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.3/13/2022 This gospel passage, though only five verses long, offers a veritable kaleidoscope of ways to view it. Jesus’ references agrarian symbols with mentions of a fox, a hen, and a brood of chicks while also being alerted by the Pharisees of a murderous plot of Herod’s hatching, all the while Jesus … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: New Space, New Neighbors

Hello St. Paul’s, In the next few weeks we will see the completion of 525 Olive, the apartment tower next door to the cathedral, and we will be preparing to move in and begin ministry in our space. Today seems like a good time to fill in some details that you may be wondering about. … READ MORE…

Link Spirituality and Climate Change AND Plant a Tree!

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry EducationThe Links Between Spirituality and Climate Change purports that “spiritual values drive individual behaviors for more than 80 per cent of people”. PrayerMy beloved children,who were knit in you mother’s womb deep in the depths of the earth,You too were called by name along with the cedar tree, the red-bellied … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Turn Aside to see the Wonder

Third Sunday in Lent, March 20 2022Penelope Bridges There’s news, and then there’s gossip. Rumors have always abounded, especially in tense times of invasion, conflict, and war. Atrocities are reported but not always substantiated. We want those we consider our enemies to be monsters so that it’s easier to hate them; we are too ready … READ MORE…

Retreat Reminder, Prayer & SD Climate Action Plan

From St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Simpler Living Garden Retreat reminder:  Come and celebrate spring in the garden of parishioner Cindy Schuricht!  Simpler Living has planned a meditative garden retreat for Saturday, March 26, from 9:30 a.m. till noon.  Celtic morning prayer will set the mood.  You may walk an outdoor labyrinth, enjoy … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Caring for Singles

Hello St. Paul’s, It’s been said that San Diego is the loneliest city in the US. If true, it’s a sad commentary, and one that the church should take to heart. We have an antidote for loneliness in the many opportunities we offer for group activities and collaborations. But we can always do more, and … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Grand Plans

Hello St. Paul’s, I want to update you on the various capital projects and dreams that we are developing for the cathedral campus. First, the remodeling of the chancel to make it bigger, more flexible, more accessible, and safer: we now have a firm timeline, and the general contractor has started ordering materials, some of … READ MORE…

Tree planting, Prayer & Action

From Simpler Living, the Cathedral’s Creation Care ministry: Tree planting service reminder: Help Bless the TreesFriday, March 11, 4 pm, Balboa ParkSimpler Living was one of many tree contributors, and we will participate in the blessing and dedication. Join us on Friday March 11 at 4 pm for a brief liturgy in Balboa Park on Sixth … READ MORE…

Support Keeping Women and Girls Safe from the Start

From the Episcopal Public Policy Network:As we commemorated International Women’s Day this week, “we are reminded of many challenges that women continue to experience in their daily lives, including violence based on their gender.” We can take action against gender-based violence around the world by supporting the bipartisan Keeping Women and Girls Safe from the Start Act … READ MORE…