The Sunday Sermon: What are you watching for?

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.11/27/2022 Happy Advent, everyone! Advent marks the beginning of the new year for the church calendar, so it is just as appropriate to say: Happy New Year! Advent, as a word, means “the arrival of notable person, thing, or event.” The church year begins with Advent because we contemplate the arrival of … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Report from Diocesan Convention

Hello St. Paul’s, The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego held its 49th annual convention November 11 and 12 at St. Bartholomew’s in Poway. All clergy who are canonically resident in the diocese are delegates, and each congregation elects one or more lay delegates annually. St. Paul’s has six lay delegates, based on our pre-pandemic average … READ MORE…

Advocacy for Native American Heritage Month

From The Episcopal Public Policy Network – Two important issues the Office of Government Relations (OGR) has engaged with are efforts to address the historical trauma caused by Indian boarding schools and ways to protect Oak Flat from mining. Click Here to learn more.

The Sunday Sermon: A Word of Hope from the Cross

November 20, 2022Penelope Bridges Today’s Gospel is startling – we are catapulted from pre-Thanksgiving to Good Friday, as we see Jesus on the cross, nailed there by an authoritarian regime that ruled by violence, lined up beside two criminals who, like his own disciples, didn’t understand the nature of his authority and who were baffled … READ MORE…

Why NOT to shop Black Friday

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Simpler Living is no fan of Black Friday: that mad shopping day when we are encouraged to buy more than we could possibly need. Green America explains why NOT to shop Black Friday. Every year (except this year) one solution that we promote is the SPC Alternative Gifts … READ MORE…

Help Call Georgians for Runoff Election

From our Sacred Ground in Action CommitteeAs followers of Jesus we are called to proceed from faith to action. As we pray for a healthy democracy, Fair Fight provides such an opportunity to act by engaging us to help ensure a fair and well-attended runoff election for US Senate in Georgia. Join SGIA in signing … READ MORE…

Good News from Nutmeg & Olive

Nutmeg & Olive, LLC, the owner of our space in 525 Olive, is pleased to announce that after careful negotiations we have entered into a lease agreement with MRKT Space, a new line of upmarket food and drink establishments, to build out and occupy the commercial space on the first floor west of 525 Olive. … READ MORE…

Update on Cathedral Improvements

Many, many people have commented favorably on our expanded and more accessible chancel – the area where the choir and clergy lead worship. Many people have also commented on the lack of light in the chancel and the variable quality of our sound system. Both of these challenges are being addressed, but it is taking … READ MORE…

Cathedral Library Update

In the course of moving to our new space, we took the opportunity to carefully curate the contents of the cathedral library. The lending library is now located in the office suite on the second floor of 525 Olive and can be browsed any time the offices are open. Parishioner Tom Wilson has spent many … READ MORE…