Update: Cathedral Transition

Time does fly. It has been more than two months since we said our tearful/joyful farewells to Scott and Mary Richardson, and I want to bring you up to date on the transition related activities that are occurring at the Cathedral. A position description for an interim dean has been approved by Chapter, and we … READ MORE…

Simpler Living Tips: Cool summer savings

Here are some ideas to cool your summertime:  Stay on the lowest floor of your home or building. Drink plenty of cool water. Eat well balanced, light, and regular meals. Wear loose fitting, lightweight and light colored clothing. Visit air-conditioned public places. Close drapes and shades to help keep the sunlight heat outside. Install weather … READ MORE…

Supported on the shoulders of others

This coming Saturday, I will be deeply honored to receive the Pride Award from Equality California in recognition of the international work we are ALL doing for global equality. The event has been sold out and we are expecting 300 people in the beautiful garden of hosts Joyce Rowland and Pamela Morgan who were also … READ MORE…

A visit to Quimby: Organ Update

Quimby Workshops In late June I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Quimby Pipe Organ’s shops in person. In this article, I’ll take you along with me as best I can on my time spent there alongside some of the most talented pipe organ craftsmen in the United States. The Quimby Pipe Organ (QPO) facility … READ MORE…

The Word of the Lord

Have you attended church somewhere and had to put up with some bombastic reader, emoting his way through the day’s Old Testament lesson? Or, on the other hand, have you ever strained to hear what a reader is saying up there in the pulpit, guarding the words, and parceling them out sparingly as if they … READ MORE…

Call a Sacristan: the ministry of the Altar Guild

Lead a life … with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph 4:1 A wonderful summation a sacristan’s life! The sacristan – altar guild member – silver polisher, floral arranger, handy-person, team player, caregiver … READ MORE…

The Greatest Gift Is Yourself

 Theories are rife among psychologists and police as to why the gunman in Aurora, Colorado, did what he did. Some of those theories center around the possibility of the gunman’s feelings of alienation. Maybe that will serve as an excuse, and perhaps even a reason for what prompted his senseless rampage in the theater on … READ MORE…


I was challenged in a way that I did not expect by the discussion on Sunday on the definition of marriage.   Like many who attended I have opinions on the content and neutrality of the discussion but my thoughts are drifting towards hospitality and listening.  In the intensity and emotion of the evening I almost … READ MORE…