Update: Cathedral Transition

Time does fly. It has been more than two months since we said our tearful/joyful farewells to Scott and Mary Richardson, and I want to bring you up to date on the transition related activities that are occurring at the Cathedral.

A position description for an interim dean has been approved by Chapter, and we are working with Canon Suzi Holding, our diocesan transition officer, to publicize and recruit for that interim position. Chapter has also appointed a subcommittee to review applications and nominations, for the interim position, and to conduct preliminary interviews with candidates.

Chapter has also appointed two outstanding and very well qualified parishioners to lead the profile and search committees. Bill Eadie will chair the Profile Committee, and Laura Gunn will chair the Search Committee. Both committees will meet both with Chapter and with representatives of the Bishop’s office before beginning their work. Thank you, Laura and Bill!

The seven-member Profile Committee, in addition to Bill Eadie, will include Susan Forsburg, Jim Greer, Laurie Gunn, Susan Hulbert, Ken Tranbarger, and Carol Walsh. Thanks to all of these St. Paul’s stalwarts for agreeing to serve! The committee will begin its work in the next month or so, leading all of us in a congregational self–study, which will form the basis of the documentary profile of the Cathedral they will subsequently develop and publish. The profile will describe the many facets of our people and ministries, and articulate our hopes for the future. It is the document that will be used to inform potential applicants for the dean’s position about the Cathedral. You can expect it to be lavishly illustrated, too.

The nine-member Search committee has not yet been constituted, but Laurie Gunn will begin to work with Chapter now to select the committee members. Three of the members of this committee must be Chapter members, with the balance drawn from the congregation. This committee will operate confidentially to recruit and interview candidates for the position of dean. It will probably begin its work around the first of the year.

Thank you for your continued prayers for those involved in this process. May all that we do begin and end in the God who loves us beyond reason and measure.

Mark Lester 
Dean’s Warden

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