Destroying the planet is against our religion!

From our Simpler Living ministry: We prayed, we learned, we meditated: now are you ready to act? On 10/17 and 10/18 join the Cathedral and other faith communities in our region and across the world to participate in Faiths 4 Climate Justice. We will ring the bells to raise the alarm, call on governments and institutions … READ MORE…

Week 5 – Season of Creation Advocacy

Last week in the midst of my urban habitat I enjoyed a labyrinth walk. We don’t always have to seek wilderness to experience holy nature in our daily lives; yet it does help to take time to appreciate creation wherever we can find it so that we can muster spiritual energy for the good work of creation … READ MORE…

Week 4 – Season of Creation Advocacy

These days the news is filled with crucial events that are critical to God’s creation. The best news of all is that we can take these simple steps to advocate for policies that can have a real impact on the climate crisis.   Will you to take one step further in advocating for Creation by … READ MORE…

Week 3 – Season of Creation Advocacy

We ask you to act on this very specific advocacy opportunity calling to support the strengthening of the CAL Green Building Code for 2023-2025 for electric vehicle plug in accessibility for all.  Especially as the cost of electric vehicles comes down, more people will be able to further decrease their carbon footprint in a significant … READ MORE…

Week 2 – Season of Creation Advocacy

Essential news from the Episcopal Church USA: For the first time, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion have jointly warned of the urgency of environmental sustainability, its impact on poverty, and the importance of global cooperation. Click Here to read more By now many of us … READ MORE…

Week 1 – Season of Creation Advocacy Action!

We begin with a call to advocacy from the Episcopal Public Policy Network supporting legislation that commits to reaching net-zero climate pollution in the electricity sector by 2035 and economy-wide by 2050 and that equitably addresses impacts of the climate crisis. Click Here to take action on the Episcopal Church’s Site

2021 Season of Creation Schedule for St Paul’s

St Paul’s Cathedral in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, along with church communities throughout the world, will celebrate a Season of Creation from September 5 through October 3, 2021.  Through worship, education, and action we will ignite our commitment to act with a grounding in the wonder of God’s creation in this critical climate … READ MORE…

Simpler Living: Response to CODE RED

Gleaning wisdom from our Canadian friends, here is an excellent prescription for dealing with the recent CODE RED declaration from the IPCC. You’ll be hearing more from us as we join faith communities around the world in recognizing a September SEASON OF CREATION.  More on that next week.  Meanwhile… — From the David Suzuki Foundation … READ MORE…

Simpler Living Movie Night Recap

A few weeks ago some members of Simpler Living  and friends viewed a film called “The Other Side of the Hill”  It chronicled the efforts of farmers in Eastern Oregon who have come together to meet the climate emergency in their area with community-based solutions that benefit farmers, the land, and workers.  Following are some … READ MORE…