Another Way: Restorative Justice

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry Often we get so used to what we know that we have difficulty imagining what can be.  This article is a valuable reminder to use our discernment and imagination as we strive to follow Jesus on the healing path leading to beloved community. “A wide range of justice-focused nonprofits, legal advocates, … READ MORE…

Social Justice Resolutions at 2022 General Convention

From our Cathedral Sacred Ground in Action Anti-Racism MinistryAt this year’s General Convention, a number of social justice resolutions passed. Among them was C072, a Land Acknowledgment resolution encouraging each Diocese “to begin dialogue with representatives from those Indigenous peoples whose ancestral and territorial homelands its churches and buildings now occupy to collaborate in the development … READ MORE…

Strive for Justice in These Difficult Times

From our Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living Creation Care MinistriesIn these often dark times, we wonder what difference we can make when so many issues – the climate emergency, racial injustice, voting inequities – seem to be insurmountable. This excerpt from The Episcopal Church Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN)/Episcopal Office of Governmental Affairs … READ MORE…

Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers

From our Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living Creation Care Ministries PrayerGracious God, we thank you for the warm rich soil and our indigenous neighbors’ rich wisdom.  Help us also to be wise in ways of listening to how we can learn to nurture our gardens and the make abundant fruit of your earth … READ MORE…

SGIA Juneteenth Resources

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry: Just a reminder that Juneteenth, 6/19, is almost here.  Make sure to attend in-person/livestream services and the Faith Forum this Sunday, all of which, will feature our guest the Rev. Dr. Mark Andrew Jefferson. Reserve your free ticket for the Old Globe Axis Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday, June 18 from 12 … READ MORE…

History of Juneteenth

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry (SGIA)Juneteenth! You may know about this important date in our history, celebrated each year on June 19: do you know the WHOLE story? Please learn more about this critical date for our neighbors in this evocative short clip.  Then register for the Juneteenth 10-Day Reading Plan: meditations that … READ MORE…

Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) highlights Knowledge Through Culture!

So much of what we learn about our history takes place through the arts.  There’s still time to get tickets for transcenDANCE Youth Arts Project performance of Echoes of Lemon Grove.  The work is inspired by the local history of the 1931 Lemon Grove Incident involving a school desegregation court case.  Themes include identity, family, cultural histories, rials … READ MORE…

Bishop Curry’s Message, Support Indian Boarding schools & Prayer

From Our Sacred Ground in Action Committee (SGIA): First, we mourn the tragic deaths and suffering from the shootings in Buffalo, NY and Orange County this past week.  Click here to read Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pastoral Statement. Action: The Episcopal Public Policy Network asks: Please take this moment to contact your members of Congress to urge the passage of … READ MORE…

SGIA: Education Through Art and Prayer

From the Sacred Ground in Action Ministry:In Rev. Carol Worthing’s current Book Study. The Church Cracked Open by Stephanie Spellers, participants have been continuously reminded the we must name the wounds in order to heal; and “before you reconcile you must reckon.”  This wonderful series below can move us along the path of naming the wounds so that … READ MORE…


Content curated from our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Committee Posted on December 19, 2009 by Catherine Roth Cudjo Lewis is considered the last survivor of the last slave ship to enter the United States. Born around 1841 to a Yoruba family in the Banté region of Dahomey (today Benin), he was given the name Oluale … READ MORE…