From Our Sacred Ground in Action Ministry:
A Survey found that when people are provided with a detailed definition of the meaning of reparation support rises significantly.
A US reparations program is not only a way to help close the Black-white wealth gap: it needs to to address the politics and culture that allowed the gap to exist in the first place and grow to its current level of injustice. Read the Yes Magazine article (Click Here).
God of truth, we acknowledge the pervasive presences of racism in our country’s origins, in our institutions and politics, in our diocese and its churches, and in our hearts. Some of us are much too familiar with racism’s many violent aggressions. Others of us, particularly White Americans, have at times chosen the false comfort of ignorance over the cost and freedom of truth. For this willful disregard and the harm it has caused, we repent. For the many ways — social, economic, and political — that white supremacy has accrued benefits to some of us at the expense of others, we repent. For the ways that racist ideology has bled into all our hearts and corrupted our minds, we repent. Grant us courage to pursue your truth and be found by it, to listen and be heard, and to respond ever more faithfully to your call to justice. Amen
-Emilee Walker-Cornetta, St Mark’s Church in the Bowery, NYC, 2019