Prayer & Action at Friendship Park

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry:

While our heads are spinning from so much tragic news around the world it is easy to lose sight of what continues to happen in our own backyard.  Clearly issues at the border appear to be insurmountable.  Meanwhile, as we await just solutions, as people of faith we are called to pray AND to act.  Learn more about the current situation at the border, and consider participating in prayerful actions as a friend of Friendship Park.  For more information and how to get involved, go to

Gracious God of the stranger, we thank you for ministries that lift the needs of those who leave their homelands, never out of whim but because in order to survive they must. Give us compassion and desire to serve our neighbors and stand with them in solidarity. In the name of Jesus, who called us to love our neighbor, no questions asked. Amen

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