Becoming Beloved Community from an Indigenous Perspective

From our Sacred Ground in Action racial justice ministry:

Join Episcopalians across this mostly unceded land to learn about an Indigenous perspective on becoming Beloved Community. For more information and registration on this November 2 webinar, Click Here.


O Great Spirit, God of all people and every tribe, through whom all people are related;

Call us to the kinship of all your people.

Grant us vision to see through the lens of our Baptismal Covenant, the brokenness of the past with our Kumeyaay neighbors. 

Help us to listen to you and to one-another,

in order to heal the wounds of the present;

And, give us courage, patience and wisdom to work together for healing and hope with all of your people, now and in the future.

Mend the hoop of our hearts and let us live in justice and peace,

through Jesus Christ, the One who comes to all people that we might live in dignity. Amen.

From the Diocese of New Hampshire

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