The Sunday Sermon: Depression, Temptation, and Healing

Watch this sermon on our YouTube channel (Click Here) Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.2/26/2023             This is going to be very different from most of my sermons, I’m going to be deeply vulnerable, not to be flashy, or edgy, but because I hope it inspires each of us to risk reaching to a deeper place. For … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Power of Love

I´ve been thinking about power this week. In our Gospel reading, Jesus horrifies his friends by saying that he´s going to be arrested, tortured, and killed. This sounds like loser talk to the disciples, and Peter takes him to task. What kind of Messiah is he, if he´s giving up so easily? Of course, Peter … READ MORE…

Lent 2018 Faith Formation

This Lent we will undertake as a community a conversation about issues surrounding immigration and refugee resettlement, “Seeking Refuge, Finding Home: A Community Exploration of Immigration and Refugee Resettlement,” focusing specifically on our call as Christians to respond to the needs of the world, to love our neighbors as ourselves and to be open to … READ MORE…

The Maundy Thursday sermon: A new commandment

 When death came it was an invisible enemy, striking down adults, children, animals. It must have been like God’s destroying angel, invading bedrooms and bomb shelters, catching the first responders as they raced to save lives and in the process lost their own. There was no Passover for the people of Khan Sheikhoun in Syria. … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: God So Loved the World

There’s a lot of baggage attached to this section of John’s Gospel. Many of us have been beaten over the head with questions about being born again. We have become almost immune to the power of verse 16: God so loved the world … because it’s been abused and over-exposed, on billboards and even at … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Places in the Heart

Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent, 2017 – a season that draws us on, from the Incarnation of our Lord, from the starry sky of his divine manifestation, into the lengthening daylight of a more introspective season. For today, we ponder in our hearts how the Holy Spirit, who visited Mary, who gave Jesus … READ MORE…

The Ash Wednesday Sermon: Two Lenten Truths

Holy God, You only are immortal, the creator and maker of mankind; and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and to earth shall we return. For so did you ordain when you created us, saying, “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” All of us go down to the dust; yet even … READ MORE…

Via Crucis Border Pilgrimage

Members of the Los Angeles and San Diego Dioceses participated in a pilgrimage to the border on Saturday, March 19, where a joint Eucharist was held with our Bishop James Mathes joining Bishop  Lino Rodriguez-Amaro of the Diocese of Western Mexico on the Mexican side, and Bishop Mary Glasspool of the Diocese of Los Angeles … READ MORE…