Dean’s Letter: Seven Weeks of Advent

Hello St. Paul’s, The middle of August might seem like an odd time to talk about the Advent season, but we regularly plan at least a liturgical season ahead, and Advent will be upon us before we know it, especially this year. As you know, Advent, the opening season of the church year, has traditionally … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Music Ministry Updates

Dear St. Paul’s family, Since I returned from my sabbatical a number of people have asked me about the post-pandemic rebuilding of our music ministry. In this letter I will try to give you as full a picture as possible of our progress in each area and of the challenges and opportunities before us. Please … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: The Dean Returns

Hello St. Paul’s, I returned to the cathedral on July 5 after ten weeks away on sabbatical. Thank you for allowing me this time of renewal and refreshment. In case you weren’t following my travels on social media, here is a summary of my sabbatical activities: After the annual North American Deans’ Conference in Washington … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Sabbatical Plans 2023

Hello St. Paul’s, As you know, I will begin my time away on Wednesday, April 26, when I go to Washington DC for the North American Deans’ Conference. My sabbatical leave starts immediately after the conference ends on April 30, and I will return to work on July 5. I am both excited and apprehensive … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Three Holy Days

Hello St. Paul’s, By now we are well into Holy Week, the center of our year and our faith. We have celebrated the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and we have meditated deeply on the mystery of his Passion, as recounted by St. Matthew. Now we turn to the Triduum, the three holiest days. … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Stephen Ministry

Hello St. Paul’s, Life seems to throw challenges our way, and even with good coping skills, family, and other resources, access to trained laypeople to provide one to one, high quality Christian care may be the safety net that makes all the difference. Stephen Ministers are lay people with a heart for caring ministry and … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Sabbatical Plans

Hello St. Paul’s, As you may know, Episcopal clergy are expected to take periodic breaks for rest and renewal, to enable us to recover from the particular stress of our vocation. This time is known as a sabbatical leave, and is in addition to our regular vacation allotment. Our diocesan policy calls for clergy to … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Annual Meeting 2023

Hello St. Paul’s, This weekend we will hold an important event at the Cathedral. Our Annual Parish Meeting is a time for looking back and celebrating the year that has been, along with honoring those who have been leaders among us, selecting the next group of lay leaders, and building community with lunch. As I … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Resolving to Serve

Hello St. Paul’s, Happy New Year! Have you made any new year’s resolutions? If not, I invite you to think about serving others in some way: it’s well known that helping other people takes our minds off our own troubles, and service to others is an important part of our lives as followers of the … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: End of Year Message

Hello St. Paul’s, Three years ago at this time we were coming down from the excitement of our 150th anniversary Gala. We had experimented with removing the pews from the church and were actively discerning whether to make the change permanent. I was making final arrangements for pastoral and liturgical coverage during my upcoming sabbatical … READ MORE…