Should the Hymnal be revised?

Do you enjoy singing? Does music enhance your experience of worship? Whether you sit in the pews, in the chancel, or in the choir, your opinion is being sought! A survey is being conducted to see whether a revision of The Hymnal 1982 is needed and wanted by the Episcopal Church.

From the survey page: “Congregations, music directors, and clergy are invited to participate in the Hymnal Revision Feasibility Study, a landmark research study being conducted via online surveys and focus groups from October 2010 to March 2011. “

Although it’s a long survey, reports are that it’s actually rather enjoyable! Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

  • Have your favorite hymnal(s) at hand.
  • Before you start the survey, think of what are your three favorite hymns.
  • Consider this question: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what eight songs (religious or secular) would you want to have with you?

Click here to take the survey.

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