The Sunday Sermon: One Flock, One Shepherd

Maybe you´ve already figured out that, as well as being Earth Day, today is Good Shepherd Sunday. It comes around every year on the fourth Sunday of Easter, and the image of the community of faith as a flock of sheep is a well-worn metaphor. If you´d like to know more, I refer you to … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: New Life is Here!

Easter 3B, April 15, 2018 St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego Luke 24:36b-48 Christ is risen. “He is risen indeed. Alleluia!” We proclaim this bold news each week during the season of Easter. You should know me well enough to know by now that I don’t believe in rote liturgy. I don’t believe in doing things … READ MORE…

The Vigil Sermon: Risen to New Life

Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Tonight you may have heard more Scripture read than you have ever heard before in a single worship service. Not only the stories, but the Psalms and canticles, and the prayers drawn from Scripture, all together giving us a rich and full sense of the … READ MORE…

The Good Friday Sermon

This is the day we remember the story of Jesus, a man who lived among the vulnerable. He was a man who moved among people who had been forgotten, who had been outcast. He touched the untouchables. He loved the unloveable. We remember his story today as we re-tell how he was arrested after being … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Where Holy and Human Meet

This week in the gospel we hear about Jesus getting angry in the temple. The first part of the reading focuses on Jesus driving the money changers out of the temple. The other gospels put that story at the end of Jesus’ ministry, and historically many scholars believe this act of sedition may have been … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Power of Love

I´ve been thinking about power this week. In our Gospel reading, Jesus horrifies his friends by saying that he´s going to be arrested, tortured, and killed. This sounds like loser talk to the disciples, and Peter takes him to task. What kind of Messiah is he, if he´s giving up so easily? Of course, Peter … READ MORE…

Ash Wednesday Sermon

I’m going to invite you to go on a journey with me this Lent. It’s not an outward journey but an inward one. There are 40 days in Lent, not counting the Sundays. 40 is a special number both for the Jewish community and for the Church. Because 40 is the number for transformation. So, … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Beloved

Last Sunday afternoon, Ryan McKenna had a mountaintop experience. You might have seen it on TV. He was the teenager who got to take selfies with Justin Timberlake during the halftime show of the Superbowl. Imagine finding yourself standing next to your idol, lit up by dazzling beams, in a show witnessed by millions of … READ MORE…

Healing and Holiness

I remember a time working in the hospital when a teenager was admitted to our intensive care unit for a significant head injury. I don’t recall the exact nature of the injury, only that the prognosis wasn’t good, and the doctors prepared the family for the worst possible thing any parent could face. I sat … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: We Preach Christ Crucified

This Epiphany season we are hearing a lot about being called by God. Today, we have stepped out of the regular cycle of readings to celebrate Cathedral Day, which we do here by observing the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, our patron, transferred from last Thursday. The Gospel reading appointed for the day … READ MORE…