The Sunday Sermon: With Glad and Generous Hearts

The new Alien movie is scheduled to be released in a couple of weeks. “Alien Covenant” is the sixth in the series, which began with a young Sigourney Weaver back in 1979. I will not be going to see the new movie. Horror stories, and even less horror stories set in space, are not my … READ MORE…

The St George’s Day Sermon: Jesus First

April 30, 2017St. George’s Day EvensongSt. Paul’s CathedralMatthew 10: 16-22 Come Holy Spirit: Touch our minds and think with them, touch our lips and speak with them and touch our hearts and set them on fire with love for you. AMEN. This is always quite a day. A bit of a parade, Banners, bag pipes, … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Our Wounded Savior

Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! There’s a Thomas in every crowd. Join a board, attend a dinner party, sign up for the local basketball league, and when conversation begins you will more than likely find a Thomas. Thomas is the one who asks questions, who wonders aloud about the implications … READ MORE…

The Good Friday Sermon: A Better Way

It was an unspeakably violent and depraved act. The rulers of an oppressed people inflicting an agonizing death on the innocent. What were they thinking? Where was their humanity? As we once again grieve the passion and death of Jesus two thousand years ago at the hands of the Romans, in collaboration with a corrupt … READ MORE…

The Maundy Thursday sermon: A new commandment

 When death came it was an invisible enemy, striking down adults, children, animals. It must have been like God’s destroying angel, invading bedrooms and bomb shelters, catching the first responders as they raced to save lives and in the process lost their own. There was no Passover for the people of Khan Sheikhoun in Syria. … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Enough Light for New Stars

Fifth Sunday in Lent – Year A St. Paul’s Cathedral, April 2, 2017 John 11:1-45 Christie Fleming Jesus learns that one of his best friends is gravely ill. Lazarus is the brother of Martha and Mary, friends who had welcomed Jesus into their home. It was a home filled with love, a home that served … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Healing of the Blind Man

John 9:1-41 The Healing of the Man Born Blind: Gospel with Sermon Commentary  Penelope M. Bridges, March 26, 2017   The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John. Glory to you, Lord Christ.   As Jesus walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: God So Loved the World

There’s a lot of baggage attached to this section of John’s Gospel. Many of us have been beaten over the head with questions about being born again. We have become almost immune to the power of verse 16: God so loved the world … because it’s been abused and over-exposed, on billboards and even at … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Places in the Heart

Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent, 2017 – a season that draws us on, from the Incarnation of our Lord, from the starry sky of his divine manifestation, into the lengthening daylight of a more introspective season. For today, we ponder in our hearts how the Holy Spirit, who visited Mary, who gave Jesus … READ MORE…