The Sunday Sermon: Love God, Love Neighbor

October 31, 2021 Penelope Bridges Love God, Love Neighbor Let’s think about Naomi for a moment. She and her husband and their two sons were emigrants from Israel to Israel’s enemy Moab, driven from their homeland by famine. She was widowed, but fortunately her sons were adults and had wives, so she wasn’t initially left … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Dreaming Dreams

Hello St. Paul’s, The prophet Joel describes a time when the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all people. He says, “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” I may not be an old man, but I do dream dreams of what St. … READ MORE…

Simpler Living: COP26-Last best hope!

Advice from Episcopal delegation member Lisa Graumlich as we anticipate the opening of the UN Climate Conference this week-end (10/31 – 11/12):  “Actively reach out to friends and family to have the challenging conversations about climate change and our collective future. … As people of faith, we know the power of lamentation when we set aside denial … READ MORE…

Destroying the Earth is against our religion!

Thanks to those who contacted their County Supervisor and President Biden to share this message from Faiths 4 Climate Justice.  If you haven’t yet done so, there’s still time.  And thanks to Bob Oslie for sounding the alarm on this climate emergency with protracted bell ringing at services last Sunday. Check out this excellent article from … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Concerning the Lectionary

Hello St Paul’s, Have you ever noticed how much Scripture dominates our worship services? To start with, a huge proportion of the Book of Common Prayer is Scriptural, whether in prayers, sentences, canticles, or blessings. All of our rituals are steeped in Scriptural language, and we even have an entire book of the Bible in … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Introducing Richard Hogue

This is a transcript of a conversation between the Dean and the Rev. Richard Hogue, who will join the Cathedral community as Associate for Congregational Life on November 8. Penny:             Hello, St. Paul’s. As you may have heard over the last weekend, we have called the Reverend Richard Hogue to serve as our associate for … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Investing in God’s Work

October 10 2021Penelope BridgesInvesting in God’s Work Today we launch our 2022 annual pledge campaign. So I’m going to talk for a few minutes about money, even though it makes us all a little uncomfortable. The Gospels tell us that Jesus talked about money a lot but we try to avoid it or hide from … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Invitation to Generosity

Hello St. Paul’s, A year ago, I think almost all of us imagined that by this time we would have the pandemic firmly in the rear-view window, and life would have returned to normal. Well, the pandemic is still very much a part of life, and we are working towards a new normal, a world … READ MORE…

Destroying the planet is against our religion!

From our Simpler Living ministry: We prayed, we learned, we meditated: now are you ready to act? On 10/17 and 10/18 join the Cathedral and other faith communities in our region and across the world to participate in Faiths 4 Climate Justice. We will ring the bells to raise the alarm, call on governments and institutions … READ MORE…