Bishop Curry’s Message, Support Indian Boarding schools & Prayer

From Our Sacred Ground in Action Committee (SGIA): First, we mourn the tragic deaths and suffering from the shootings in Buffalo, NY and Orange County this past week.  Click here to read Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pastoral Statement. Action: The Episcopal Public Policy Network asks: Please take this moment to contact your members of Congress to urge the passage of … READ MORE…

Landscaping, Action & Prayer

From our Simpler Living creation care ministry: Register for this free Zoom program sponsored by Stay Cool for Grandkids, May 26 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.  Three experts will offer nature-based solutions like community gardens, backyard gardens, and water harvesting systems as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the resilience of our water … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Episcopal History

Hello St. Paul’s, The history and identity of our church, the Episcopal Church, is complicated. Like most Christian denominations we are the product of a historic split; our name, Episcopal, is used by several denominations; and as part of the Anglican Communion we are part of a particular ethnic tradition. I want to say a … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: All Things are New

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.May, 15, 2022             Welcome, visitors and good people of St. Paul’s, to another Sunday in Easter, among these great fifty days. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a month since we all celebrated the vigil, and the night before the great dawn of that singular holy day. Twenty working days … READ MORE…

Good news for God’s Creation

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry And we sure can use some….Celebrate this wonderful state milestone with us: “‘California busts past 100% on this historic day for clean energy!’ tweeted Dan Jacobson, senior advisor to Environment California, who ran the campaign for SB 100, California’s 2018 law requiring the state to use 100% clean energy by 2045”. California … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Reproductive Choice

Hello St. Paul’s, In light of last week’s leaked draft of a US Supreme Court opinion about Roe vs Wade, a number of people have asked me what the Episcopal Church’s position is on a woman’s right to choose. You may already know that the Episcopal Church tends towards nuanced positions: as the self-appointed guardians … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Messiah & Shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday, May 8 2022Penelope BridgesMessiah and Shepherd Once again we are jumping around the Gospels; leaping backwards from last week’s post-Easter breakfast on the beach to the middle of John’s Gospel, where Jesus is still doing the signs that demonstrate who he is, for those who have eyes to see. This conversation with … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Dying as one to become life with many

Rev. Richard HogueSt. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego5/1/2022             I want to welcome our baptismal candidate, DJ, and his family, the Urquias! It’s always a special occasion when we get to baptize anyone into new life, regardless of age or experience. Baptism is one of the most tangible signs we have that God’s grace can and … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Mixed Feelings

Hello St. Paul’s, You already know that there’s a lot going on here at the cathedral. We are seeing the completion of the new building, the chancel work is beginning, we have a new outreach and music partnership with Voices of our City, and we are restoring beloved traditions like the St. George’s Day celebration. … READ MORE…

A Letter From Richard: Voices of our City Choir

As of April 25th, the Voices of our City Choir began hosting weekly rehearsals in the Great Hall of St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. For those unfamiliar with Voices of Our City Choir it is a choir composed of people experiencing homelessness. It was established by Steph Johnson, a local musician and jazz vocalist, after she … READ MORE…