From Our Sacred Ground in Action Committee (SGIA):
First, we mourn the tragic deaths and suffering from the shootings in Buffalo, NY and Orange County this past week. Click here to read Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pastoral Statement.
The Episcopal Public Policy Network asks:
Please take this moment to contact your members of Congress to urge the passage of the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the United States Act (H.R. 5444/S. 2907) to advance the reconciliation work necessary to heal the generational wounds left by our nation’s boarding school policies. Click Here to Take Action
Read more on this unjust and damaging practice in our church’s past.
Finally, here is a prayer from A Service of Lament: Remembering the Victims of the Residential Schools
A Prayer for Healing and Hope
O Great Spirit, God of all people and every tribe,
through whom all people are related;
Call us to the kinship of all your people.
Grant us vision to see
through the lens of our Baptismal Covenant,
the brokenness of the past.
Help us to listen to you and to one-another,
in order to heal the wounds of the present
and give us courage, patience and wisdom to work
together for healing, and hope with all of your people,
now and in the future. Mend the hoop of our hearts and let us live in justice and peace, through Jesus Christ, the One who comes to all people that we might live in dignity.