Dean’s Letter: New Doors

Hello St. Paul’s, After twenty plus years of dreams, plans, and hard work, we have arrived at a Kairos moment to relaunch our identity as the Cathedral for the City, offering new doors to walk through and new opportunities for the community around us to share in our life and benefit from our facility. We … READ MORE…

Ocean Month

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Action: National Ocean Month/From Creation Justice Ministries June 1 marked the start of Ocean Month, a time when we step back to appreciate God’s marine creation and take action to protect it.  When we think of God’s creation, it is easy to imagine forests and other green spaces … READ MORE…

History of Juneteenth

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry (SGIA)Juneteenth! You may know about this important date in our history, celebrated each year on June 19: do you know the WHOLE story? Please learn more about this critical date for our neighbors in this evocative short clip.  Then register for the Juneteenth 10-Day Reading Plan: meditations that … READ MORE…

Letter from Kathleen & Bob: Grand Opening Week Extravaganza

Kathleen Burgess and Bob Oslie tell us more about the Grand Opening Week Extravaganza! Click here for the week’s schedule. Rev. Richard: Hello, and welcome to this week’s Dean’s letter brought to you by Kathleen Burgess and Bob Oslie, two of our favorites around here. We’re going to be talking a little bit about the … READ MORE…

Action against Fracking and Prayer

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:Sempra is a natural (fracked) gas infrastructure company building pipelines and export terminals to export mostly methane to China.  Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, up to 80x as potent as CO2 in the short term, so we need to challenge the myth that natural gas is a … READ MORE…

Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) highlights Knowledge Through Culture!

So much of what we learn about our history takes place through the arts.  There’s still time to get tickets for transcenDANCE Youth Arts Project performance of Echoes of Lemon Grove.  The work is inspired by the local history of the 1931 Lemon Grove Incident involving a school desegregation court case.  Themes include identity, family, cultural histories, rials … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: The Shape of our Liturgy

Hello St Paul’s, Anyone who attends an Episcopal Sunday service more than once or twice knows that we have a certain structure to our worship services. The Book of Common Prayer is a great treasure, not least because it provides this structure, so that clergy don’t have to invent the service from whole cloth each … READ MORE…

In Community There is Strength

From our Simpler Living creation care ministry:Coming on the tail of Bishop Susan’s compelling statement on the climate emergency, this Yes! Magazine article is especially helpful. You can join Simpler Living or one of the many groups forming to act on climate change. The most important thing is to get empowered – and together is even better, not only … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Do you want to be made well?

May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of EasterPenelope Bridges As I went down to the river to prayStudying about that good ol’ wayAnd who shall wear the starry crownGood Lord, show me the way O sisters, let’s go downLet’s go down, come on downO sisters, let’s go downDown to the river to pray. Traditional American Hymn … READ MORE…