Protecting Coastal Communities

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Advocate:As we enjoy the beaches and ocean beauty this summer, we should be mindful of the threat just off our shores.  The League of Conservation Voters is providing this opportunity to sign up to advocate against offshore drilling (Click Here). If Big Polluters get their way, oil companies … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Planning for our Future

Hello St. Paul’s, You may already know that nearly 10% of the operating income of St. Paul’s Cathedral comes from invested funds, rather than from current pledges and gifts. The vast bulk of those funds have come to us through the planned giving of parishioners in past times: they remembered the Cathedral in their estate … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Interdependence

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.July 3, 2022             Good morning, and a happy Independence Day weekend to you all. I know that for many of us there’s little to be happy about as a nation this weekend. For me to get the most out of this holiday, I remind myself that the entire basis of this … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Pentecost

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.June 5, 2022             Good morning everyone, and a happy Pentecost to all! If you’ll allow me to be very frank, when I compare my own experience of Pentecosts in life to that of the original day, all of mine seem pretty ho-hum, with one exception. Five years ago, I had the … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Summer Socials

Hello St. Paul’s, Arriving at the summer season this year merits a great big sigh of relief. We have moved into the new building; we are well on the way to completing the Chancel work; the COVID pandemic, while it continues to be a factor, no longer feels as terrifying as it did two years … READ MORE…

Strive for Justice in These Difficult Times

From our Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living Creation Care MinistriesIn these often dark times, we wonder what difference we can make when so many issues – the climate emergency, racial injustice, voting inequities – seem to be insurmountable. This excerpt from The Episcopal Church Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN)/Episcopal Office of Governmental Affairs … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Don’t Look Back

Click Here for the Service of Lament and Healing as referenced by Dean Penny in her sermon. June 26 2022, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Penelope Bridges From Psalm 77: “I will cry aloud to God;  I will cry aloud, and he will hear me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; my … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Preaching the Word

Hello St. Paul’s, Last Sunday we welcomed a distinguished guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. Mark Andrew Jefferson. Mark teaches preaching at Virginia Theological Seminary and is known across the world as an outstanding preacher. We were not disappointed on Sunday! He preached two entirely different sermons at 8:00 and 10:30 – you can find recordings … READ MORE…

Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers

From our Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living Creation Care Ministries PrayerGracious God, we thank you for the warm rich soil and our indigenous neighbors’ rich wisdom.  Help us also to be wise in ways of listening to how we can learn to nurture our gardens and the make abundant fruit of your earth … READ MORE…

SGIA Juneteenth Resources

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry: Just a reminder that Juneteenth, 6/19, is almost here.  Make sure to attend in-person/livestream services and the Faith Forum this Sunday, all of which, will feature our guest the Rev. Dr. Mark Andrew Jefferson. Reserve your free ticket for the Old Globe Axis Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday, June 18 from 12 … READ MORE…