Right Relationships

From our Sacred Ground in Action racial justice ministry: As November is Indigenous Peoples’ month as well as a time to express our gratitude for this good Earth, we pause to remember that we now occupy the unceded land of the Kumeyaay people who lived here more than 10,000 years, and live here still.  SGIA … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: The Bible, Day by Day

Hello St. Paul’s, As you may know, our Anglican identity rests upon a triple foundation of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. We bring together, uniquely among Christian denominations, the ancient and continuous witness of the Bible with the historic traditions of the church and our individual God-given gifts of discernment and intelligence. We refer to this … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Celebrating Our Saints

All Saints Sunday, November 6 2022Penelope Bridges When I lived in Virginia I used to attend a chamber music camp in the lovely town of Lexington, spending a week on the campus of Washington & Lee University. Lexington’s history is intertwined with the history of this country, as you might guess from the fact that … READ MORE…

Critical Conversations for Creation

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Action: Right now at COP 27, the United Nations Climate Conference of Parties 27, conversations are taking place that will impact the policies and behavior of countries throughout the world, including our own. The decisions made will in part determine the fate of life on Earth.  Find out what … READ MORE…

A Letter From Kathleen: Parking at St. Paul’s

Parking….what a hassle, right?  Before the 525 building we had 23 spots in a small parking lot behind the Admin building and 6-8 spots (depending on how folks parked) in the gated Clergy Lot north of the Chapel.  Not a lot of spots for folks to use, to say the least.  As we know, with … READ MORE…

Dreaming of Reparations

From Our Sacred Ground in Action Ministry:  A Survey found that when people are provided with a detailed definition of the meaning of reparation support rises significantly.   A US reparations program is not only a way to help close the Black-white wealth gap: it needs to to address the politics and culture that allowed the gap to … READ MORE…

Letter From Richard: Ready, Serve, Grow!

Hello St. Paul’s and friends, I’m Rev. Richard Hogue, Associate for Congregational Life here at St. Paul’s Cathedral in San Diego, and it is my pleasure to bring you this week’s Associates Letter. You no doubt recall that we are in the middle our fall pledge campaign, and I’m thrilled to report that as of … READ MORE…

Ways to Promote Climate Solutions

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry: Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) recently held a webinar, The Faith Voice at COP27, which offered an excellent summary on the importance of our faith perspective in understanding and promoting the proceedings at this UN Climate Summit. The essential takeaway was that learning about what transpires at this … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: A Different Perspective

10/23/2022The Rev. Richard Hogue Jr. This Lukan gospel passage is often taken for granted; I think. It seems so easy on the surface, “don’t be a self-righteous jerk” is the basic message we often walk away with, and that’s not a bad message to receive and live. But like any story where we may know … READ MORE…

Ordination Sermon: A Tall Order

10/22/22Rev. Richard Hogue In a little while, Bishop Susan will examine you, Pete and Michael, outlining the order ofministry on which you are embarking: As a deacon in the Church, you are to study the Holy Scriptures, to seek nourishment from them, and to model your life upon them. You are to make Christ and … READ MORE…