The Sunday Sermon: Depression, Temptation, and Healing

Watch this sermon on our YouTube channel (Click Here) Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.2/26/2023             This is going to be very different from most of my sermons, I’m going to be deeply vulnerable, not to be flashy, or edgy, but because I hope it inspires each of us to risk reaching to a deeper place. For … READ MORE…

Letter from Maya: The Spiritual Practice of Wondering

Hello St. Paul’s! As we enter into the holy season of Lent, many of us take time to reflect on practices or habits we can give up or take on to deepen our relationship with God as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter.  For some, that might look like a commitment to reading scripture … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Glimpsing the Glory of God

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Watch this sermon on YouTube (Click Here) February 19, 2023, Last Sunday after EpiphanyPenelope Bridges When I started thinking about this sermon, I started with the word Transfiguration. We call the last Sunday before Lent Transfiguration Sunday because, each year on this Sunday, we hear the story of Jesus on the mountaintop, conversing with Moses … READ MORE…

Reframing Our Lifestyles at Lent

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry Live simply so that others may simply live.  Although that saying has been attributed to Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and bell hooks among others, etymologist Barry Popik “traced it to a Franciscan order that ran a peace center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1974. No matter it’s origin, the words … READ MORE…

Unraveling Generations of Hate

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry (SGIA) Change can come from the least likely places to the least likely people.  Blues pianist Daryl Davis has spent over 30 years helping white nationalists consider a new way of being through his own search for answers in dialogue and education. Read the article on … READ MORE…

Mind your Peas and Cucumbers!

Add your recipes to the Simpler Living Lenten Cook Booklet! Eating simply can be good for you and Mother Earth! So this Lent let’s try something different: we’d like to invite St Paul’s congregation to give plant based eating a try. To offer folks a healthy supply of choices, may we share your vegan and/or … READ MORE…

10 Black Women Innovators

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action ministry During Black History month and into Women’s History month to come, we recognize how we are blessed with the tenacity of women who persevere against unjust restrictions of their society and the times. This article celebrates only some of the many inventions and improvements of unsung black women … READ MORE…

Faith-filled gleanings for our congregation

From St Paul’s Simpler Living ministry: If you missed the recent Zoom presentation by Lynne Marian featuring her review and takeaways from COP27 2022 United National Climate Conference, you can watch the recording here and find her informative Power Point here. Lynne also shared a number of informative resources for people of faith who take … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Be the Salt; Be the Light

Click Here to watch sermon on YouTube February 5, 2023Penelope Bridges “You are the salt of the earth … you are the light of the world.” In today’s portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pays us a great compliment and in the same breath offers us a steep challenge. We are salt; we … READ MORE…