Opening Our Eyes to Diversity

From Our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry

Here are two ways that we might deepen our engagement with ideas that can lead to action:

Action One:
On Saturday morning, May 13, several Contemplative Outreach Chapters are sponsoring Ubuntu and Contemplation: How an Indigenous African Philosophy Maps Our Spiritual Path to Global Community with author Michael Battle. He writes: “By educating participants with a common spiritual framework, Ubuntu becomes the basis for a unified social movement that not only mitigates racism … but participates in how the Holy Spirit is healing the world – not simply by changing minds, but more by changing hearts in which our minds are inextricably linked.” For this three-hour workshop registration, scholarships, and/or more information at

Action Two:
Aspen Institute Religion and Society program Executive Director Simian Jeet Singh shares his Brief But Spectacular” reflection on his lived experience and how a society with eyes open wide can confront bias and create empathy. Visit

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