The Sunday Sermon: The Healing of the Man Born Blind-Gospel with Sermon Commentary

Penelope M. Bridges,March 19 2023 Narrator                      The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to John. People                         Glory to you, Lord Christ. Narrator                      As Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth.  And his disciples asked him, Disciples                     “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” … READ MORE…

Where is your Treasure?

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21 Of course this passage refers primarily to spiritual matters.  At the same time, when we look at what material goods and pastimes mean to us, we can also our banking practices.  Next Tuesday, 3/21/23, at Chase … READ MORE…

Letter from Kathleen: Hospitality at the Cathedral

Kathleen Sheehan Burgess – Director of Administrative Operations The first time I really got a glimpse of Episcopalian hospitality was the day I started at St. Paul’s in 2015.  I was greeted by everyone, they had a plaque on my door with my name and title on it, and we had a lovely time doing … READ MORE…

Being Good Neighbors

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry While we hear about the importance of building community as we are called to love our neighbor, only miles away at our southern border federal contractors are gearing up to begin a former president’s border wall.  Setting aside the logical question WHY? we are invited to practice our belief … READ MORE…

Serving Creation During Year of Service

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry In this EDSD  Year of Service, Simpler Living celebrates diocesan encouragement to collaborate with our community neighbors.  There are two opportunities for outreach to our church neighbors as well as organizational neighbors in the next few weeks. Plant a Tree! Join St Phillips Episcopal Church, 2660 Hardy Drive in Lemon Grove, this … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Sabbatical Plans

Hello St. Paul’s, As you may know, Episcopal clergy are expected to take periodic breaks for rest and renewal, to enable us to recover from the particular stress of our vocation. This time is known as a sabbatical leave, and is in addition to our regular vacation allotment. Our diocesan policy calls for clergy to … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Out of Darkness into Light

Watch this sermon on our YouTube channel (Click Here) March 5, 2023, the Second Sunday in LentPenelope Bridges The story that St. John relates about Nicodemus and Jesus is the first in a series of four stories from John’s Gospel that steadily build dramatic tension towards the Passion and death of Jesus. This year we … READ MORE…

Young Adult / Millennial-Gen-Z Meetup Group

As a reminder, once a month throughout the Year of Service, one of our ministries will host coffee hour, where you can get to know their members face to face. We hope this ignites a curiosity for the ways we can serve through St. Paul’s Cathedral to the betterment of our community, neighborhood, and city. This week’s … READ MORE…

Carbon Fast for Lent

From Climate Stewards USA and St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:  Climate Stewards USA invites us to embark on a Carbon Fast for Lent. Here are some questions they’d like us to consider: Can I wait until April 6th or after Easter to purchase this item?  If not, can I borrow it from a friend or … READ MORE…

Ash Wednesday Sermon

Watch this sermon our YouTube channel (Click Here) Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.2/22/2023             Ashes are such a powerful symbol. They can represent destruction, loss, and grief. They can also represent great possibility, like volcanic ash that makes soil bountifully fertile. Ashes can be the result of a good time, like the smoldering embers of a … READ MORE…