Women @ St Paul’s: WT@SPC

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 46 – 7:30 p.m, Guild Room, St. Paul’s Cathedral For a simple supper, themed program and thoughtful discussion led by Gertrud Mueller NelsonA Fairy-tale and the Roadmap to Happiness “Folk stories and fairy tales were never really meant for children. The fairy tale is the grand, projected image of our unconscious…It explains to … READ MORE…

Cathedral Characters: Love of an Incarnate God

You may have heard Christie Fleming talk about stewardship yesterday. Meet her in the latest Cathedral Character profile. Christie Fleming reminds me of a cool, older cousin; she’s someone you want to hang out with. She’s full of life, energy, ideas, kindness, intelligence and a beauty that emanates from within. Deeply spiritual, this spiritual director … READ MORE…

Do you need a Listening Heart?

Are you facing a difficult decision, or feel you are at a crossroad in life? Perhaps the Listening Hearts Ministry may be of help to you. Welcome to the Listening Hearts Ministry – “a community of prayerful people trained to be present with others at such spiritual crossroads in our lives. Anyone may ask to … READ MORE…

Push for More, Not Less

Our Bishop wrote this on his blog, Under the San Diego Sun, on October 4th. Cross posted with permission. I just read that Governor Schwarzenegger and the state legislature have agreed to a deal that will close the 19 billion dollar budget gap. Details have not yet been revealed. 19 billion! That is a stunning … READ MORE…

Bishop Gene Robinson: It gets better

In response to the recent wave of suicides of LGBT youth, activist Dan Savage started the “It Gets Better” project, a video project where adult LGBT folks encourage bullied or depressed young people by assuring them that their experiences will improve, that life WILL get better. NH Bishop Gene Robinson has contributed one of the … READ MORE…

Women meet Simpler Living: let’s continue the conversation!

Pam Crooks of WT@SPC (Women Together @ St Paul’s) writes,We had such a wonderful gathering at our first meeting! The food was delicious. Carolyn Lief and Grace van Thillo’s program “In Search of Simpler Living,” quite thought-provoking. Judging by the buzz in the room over dinner, I’d say there were a lot of interesting conversations … READ MORE…

September 7, 2010 Chapter Highlights

Carol Walsh is the People’s Warden, and keeps us filled on the chapter, which is part of the Cathedral’s system of governance. The minutes were approved. The Chapter recessed and convened as the sole member of St. Paul’s Senior Homes. Jane Flaherty and Bruce Leidenberger were nominated to the St. Paul’s Senior Homes Board. The … READ MORE…