Simpler Living Tips: Time Stewardship

While we are all aware of stewardship of resources (our own and the earth’s), we may think less about stewardship of time. There is in fact a movement afoot to return to a more sacramental sense of time—time as something God-given, not our own to “spend” as we choose. Some thoughts/questions might flow from this: … READ MORE…

A visit to a sister Cathedral

Cross posted with permission from Friends of Jake, where blogger IT blogs about her travels with her wife BP. This weekend BP and I visited family in Portland Oregon. We had a great time, staying downtown in the very funky Ace Hotel, and riding the MAX train everywhere. What a cool city. We could definitely … READ MORE…

The Swap Meet, Revisited

Something over two years ago, I wrote an essay on Kobey’s Swap Meet and I just now re-read it to see not only what I said but also to see what has changed there. Some things have not changed but much has. The current economic downturn, as it is euphemistically called these days, has shifted … READ MORE…

Listening Hearts

Sue Ward writes: You may not be familiar with a very special, somewhat quiet ministry at St. Paul’s called Listening Hearts. Listening Hearts helps us face questions, problems or decisions that defy our usual abilities to reason, sift, assess and cope. We all want to be guided by God in making life’s difficult decisions, but … READ MORE…

Shaken to the Bone, Called to Respond

[The Episcopal News Service] The world has been turned upside down, as the bones of the earth have shifted underneath Haiti. We are reminded of life’s fragility and unpredictability as we watch the news reports and see the devastation of human lives.Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere; 80 percent of her people … READ MORE…

Meet Christine D’Amico

Hello St. Paul’s Cathedral! Well I have been working as your part time Associate for Children, Youth and Family for about a month now, and I am having a great time getting to know many of you better. We have fantastic youth volunteers, wonderful children, and super cool youth! I already feel very blessed to … READ MORE…

Letter from Haiti

Bart Smoot passes along this letter and adds, I see good future potential for mission trips that involve rebuilding. Dear Sisters and brothers in Christ,Please let me take some time to give you some update of the situation of Haiti and your beloved partners in the Episcopal church of Haiti. God has saved the lives … READ MORE…

Meet our new canons!

On Sunday, January 24, 2010, the Cathedral will install two new canons. (A “canon” is an honorary title, associated with a cathedral and is conferred upon clergy or lay persons, who have demonstrated certain skills and ministries.) The Rev Anne B Chisham I am a native San Diegan and a cradle Episcopalian baptized, confirmed and … READ MORE…

Helping Haiti

We have several updates for you. First, The Wall Street Journal has a video showing the efforts of the Episcopal Bishop and his priests in running a refugee camp. The Episopcal Cafe also points us at an article in the Wall Street Journal about religious groups’ contributions. The Episcopal Cafe also has additional updated information … READ MORE…