Simpler Living Tips: Time Stewardship

While we are all aware of stewardship of resources (our own and the earth’s), we may think less about stewardship of time. There is in fact a movement afoot to return to a more sacramental sense of time—time as something God-given, not our own to “spend” as we choose. Some thoughts/questions might flow from this:

  • Each moment is unique and is to be lived fully, intentionally, and, as often as possible, joyfully.
  • If you feel that you are too busy, you probably are. What things might you eliminate? Which has least to do with your love of God?
  • Multitasking tends to make us less present to any one thing that we’re doing. Multitask only when necessary.
  • Forgive yourself when you fail to be fully present in each particular moment. God, in her infinite love for you, has already done so.

Phil Petrie,Convener, Simpler Living

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1 thought on “Simpler Living Tips: Time Stewardship”

  1. Thank you, Phil. Those are good things to think about. I've been thinking a lot lately about being present in the moment. I just read a very helpful book called The Power of Less. I worked so hard to learn to be a good multi-tasker and now I need to unlearn and live now.

    Donna Turner


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