Helping Haiti

We have several updates for you. First, The Wall Street Journal has a video showing the efforts of the Episcopal Bishop and his priests in running a refugee camp.

The Episopcal Cafe also points us at an article in the Wall Street Journal about religious groups’ contributions.

The Episcopal Cafe also has additional updated information on Haiti. First, the President of ER-D comments on the 3-Rs of disaster response: Rescue, Relief and Recovery. Second, facts about Haiti and the Episcopal Diocese there in the aftermath of the quake, which provides a good overview of who is where and what was damaged or lost.

The gang at Friends of Jake recommends some charities to help out:

“These programs are on the ground already. All of these are highly rated with low overhead, putting nearly all their donations directly into their services.

Shelterbox is a cool organization that puts tents and equipment into the field after disasters. The contents of each box can shelter a large family, with tents, tools, and utensils, blankets can be used as tarps or water catching devices…. Click the picture for a closer view of the box and its contents.

International Relief Teams. This small organization fields volunteer medical teams; their first team of ER professionals is already on the ground. (SPC note: This is a San Diego operation.)

Episcopal Relief and Development. Since Haiti is the largest Episcopal Diocese there is significant presence and partnership on the ground. This is going to be essential not just now but for the longer term recovery when everyone’s attention turns elsewhere

If you want to go with the bigger organizations, the Red Cross, and Doctors without Borders, are good choices. Watch out for “new” charities which are often scams.”

If you have further updates, including specific information on people or places, or other suggested charities, please add comments to this post.

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