Learning and Growing in Creation

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry There are so many wonderful resources to educate, inform, and energize us! Here are three: 1. From the League of Conservation Voters, we are reminded that much of our labor in God’s vineyard is intersectional.  As we continue to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander month, they direct us … READ MORE…

Advocate For a Fair Farm Bill

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry While few of us actually live on a farm, the Farm Bill has a major impact on all of us. Food and Water Watch gives us an opportunity to advocate our federal legislators for a fair Farm Bill, Click Here to read more! Prayer: Let us ask God to have mercy on … READ MORE…

Embracing Black Earth Wisdom

“If our species is to survive, we have roughly one generation to collectively remember and honor the familial covenant of moderation and cooperation that we signed with all beings at the dawn of time,” according to Leah Penniman, author of Murmurations: Embracing Black Earth Wisdom. To learn more about recognizing Earth as teacher, text, and kin, visit Yesmagazine.org. Prayer:Gracious … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Be Known to Us

April 23, 2023 The Third Sunday of EasterPenelope Bridges Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia. Today is a tangle of themes and emotions. It’s Easter season:  we rejoice to know ourselves redeemed and forgiven. It’s Creation Care Sunday at St. Paul’s: we acknowledge our sinful abuse of the earth and its … READ MORE…

Earth Month Offerings 2023

Happy Earth Month! Now’s the time to learn more about our Simpler Living ministry at the Cathedral! Many hands make lighter work in caring for God’s good creation. Go to the Cathedral’s Calendar Page for the Zoom link for our next meeting on Tuesday, 4/25 at 6:45 pm: stpaulcathedral.org/calendar Meanwhile enjoy a Creation Care focused … READ MORE…

Chill Out for Creation!

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry Heading toward the end of Lent, Climate Stewards invites us to “fast from temperature luxury.” There are places in the world where such luxury is not an option. In San Diego we are fortunate to enjoy temperatures that allow us to lower our heat and, in this way, lower our impact … READ MORE…

Where is your Treasure?

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21 Of course this passage refers primarily to spiritual matters.  At the same time, when we look at what material goods and pastimes mean to us, we can also our banking practices.  Next Tuesday, 3/21/23, at Chase … READ MORE…

Serving Creation During Year of Service

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry In this EDSD  Year of Service, Simpler Living celebrates diocesan encouragement to collaborate with our community neighbors.  There are two opportunities for outreach to our church neighbors as well as organizational neighbors in the next few weeks. Plant a Tree! Join St Phillips Episcopal Church, 2660 Hardy Drive in Lemon Grove, this … READ MORE…

Carbon Fast for Lent

From Climate Stewards USA and St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:  Climate Stewards USA invites us to embark on a Carbon Fast for Lent. Here are some questions they’d like us to consider: Can I wait until April 6th or after Easter to purchase this item?  If not, can I borrow it from a friend or … READ MORE…