The Easter Sermon

Come Holy Spirit: Touch our minds and think with them, touch our lips and speak with them and touch our hearts and set them on fire with love for you. AMEN. I. In college, I was trained as a mathematician. I was particularly drawn to the mysteries of the unknown and unseen. My last year … READ MORE…

Easter Vigil Sermon: This is the night

Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! This is a night unlike any other night. The Exsultet, that Martin sang so beautifully, gives it poetic expression:        This is the night when God brought our ancestors out of bondage.        This is the night when all who believe … READ MORE…

The Maundy Thursday Sermon: A Call to Service

The Rev. Jeff Martinhauk  Maundy Thursday C,  March 22, 2016  St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego  John 13:1-17, 31b-35 Imagine, for a moment, that the Queen of England has decided to pay you a visit in your home. And imagine just for a second that the first thing she does when she arrives there is to … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Marching on Jerusalem

Preached immediately after the Palm Procession around the neighborhood Well, that was grand! Nothing like a good, loud parade to wake up the neighborhood on a Sunday morning! I imagine more than one neighbor heard the Supersonic Samba dancers and wondered, what on earth is that? And well they might. Our Palm Sunday celebration offers … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon:Mary, Judas, and the Rest of Us

The air in the house in Bethany is thick with drama. Recently Jesus had raised from the dead the man sitting next to him, Lazarus, and now the authorities had issued a warrant for Jesus’ arrest. So he’s returned in secret just a week before Passover, preferring to rest on the edges of Jerusalem, in … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Small turns, big grace

 “Blessed is the one … in whose spirit there is no guile.” (Psalm 32:2) There is a piercing line in the parable of the prodigal son that seems to hold the key to the whole thing unfolding as beautifully as it does: we see a Jewish man, raised to steer clear of swine, tending to … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Pay Attention!

We are coming up on the halfway mark in our Lenten journey, and our Scripture readings aren’t letting us off the hook. God calls Moses to an impossible task; the Psalmist is dying of thirst; Paul sternly reminds the Corinthians of the deadly consequences of misbehavior; and Jesus utters a dire warning to those who … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Truth and Lies

Several times a week I receive emails from AARP; they cover a multitude of topics, of special interest to the over-50 crowd. This week I noticed an article about the latest crop of scams. It’s not just about rich Nigerian widows any more. There are countless cons out there, many of them relying on the … READ MORE…

Ash Wednesday Sermon: A Time of Fragile Greatness

On Ash Wednesday two years ago Laurel and I sat with our two-day old baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, or NICU, of UCSD Medical Center up the street. This was not how we had hoped to spend our second day with Jem, who was connected to several electrodes monitoring his heart, breathing, and … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: what is winning?

Jimmy Kimmel, this past week, gave us insight into Presidential Politics and religion on his late-night show. In an entertaining but revealing segment, he portrayed Jesus as a presidential candidate: Jesus the candidate read quotes from the actual US Presidential candidates. It was amusing but alarming to hear statements from both the left and the … READ MORE…