You Can’t Know What You Don’t Know

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry November is Native American Heritage Month.  Like any other culturally-themed month, it’s really meant to be remind us to learn more and reach out. Of course, we can do that any day of the year! (another reminder.) In recognition of Native American Heritage month, St Paul’s will … READ MORE…

Stop the Torture

From Our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) ministry: “For the second year in a row, the California State Assembly passed a bill to address prolonged solitary confinement. With concern for second veto from Governor Newsom, the initiative “will become a two year bill in order to facilitate good faith negotiations with the Governor and urge … READ MORE…

Talking with Kids About Race

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry “There is debate in the secular world about what … education looks like.  Which subjects are appropriate for kids? Without a shared value system, it is difficult for public schools to navigate.  In the church, though, it’s a lot easier.” Jennifer Enriquez Our culture sends messages about … READ MORE…

More Than a Holiday

From Our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) ministries: It’s a welcome change to see the celebration of Indigenous People’s Day – this land wasn’t “discovered” by anyone – as well as recognition in month-long Awareness Weeks (with Hispanic American Heritage Month ending on October 15 and many others). Then the question is: with what spirit do we … READ MORE…

Preserving Native Heritage

From Our Cathedral Simpler Living Creation Care and Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) ministries: Sometimes we are blessed with a serendipitous opportunity: in this instance we can act in solidarity with our indigenous sisters and brothers by supporting an ecosystem they have creatively stewarded for many centuries. The Chumash  (pronounced Shoo – maa- sh) Heritage National Marine … READ MORE…

Neighbors in Need (Part II)

From the Sacred Ground in Action ministry Today is the International Day of Peace and Justice, especially relevant for those who have left their homelands seeking both justice and peace. While the welcome location has moved for the safety of our migrant friends, the situation at the border changes frequently and these, our neighbors, continue … READ MORE…

Neighbors in Need

Migrants are currently gathering between the border walls, awaiting processing before release into local communities.  Our EDSD Migration Missioner, Robert Vivar, is organizing congregations to provide meals and necessary items for the hundreds of migrants awaiting entry.  St Paul’s is currently forming a team to help provide meals and other resources.  If you are willing … READ MORE…

What Could Harm Public Health

From our Sacred Ground In Action Ministry (SGIA) We all know that everything we do has consequences.  In the case of the recent US Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, ““To not consider an applicant’s full background…will ultimately lead to lower minority enrollment and worse overall national health.” — Georges Benjamin, MD. Executive. Director, American Pubic … READ MORE…

Implicit Hate in Legislation Creates Consequences

From our Sacred Ground in Action Ministry Our country has seen a rise in laws that are subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – in cancelling the importance of how we treat one another in our world: the necessary and painful history of prior injustices to prevent future ones. Similarly there are laws that … READ MORE…

Sacred Ground in Action: Not a Commemoration, a Continuation 

Sixty years ago on August 28, 250,000 people joined the March on Washington “to protest segregation, the lack of voting rights, and unemployment among African Americans,” according to the NAACP. The National Action Network and others sponsor this important event this Saturday in Washington, DC “[A]s the nation reckons with historic levels of violent hate crimes … READ MORE…