Beth’s Letter: Vida Joven de México

Dear St. Paul’s Members and Friends, Since 2006, you’ve rescued hundreds of children from a life on the streets in Tijuana, Mexico. THANK YOU! For those who are newer to St. Paul’s, some history may be helpful… In 1996, a small group of big-hearted followers of Jesus from San Diego opened an orphanage in Tijuana … READ MORE…

Letter from Maya: Farewell

Dear St. Paul’s Family, As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is filled with both sadness and gratitude. After six incredible years, it is with a heavy heart that I must say goodbye (for now) to a community that has been my spiritual home for nearly nine years and my place of … READ MORE…

Letter From Lucero: Family Ministry

The family ministry has been a space where our kids have learned about the word of Christ and has also been a door for my husband and I to engage in the broader church life.  I know that this is also true for other parents in the family ministry, as some of us are now serving … READ MORE…

Letter from Jairus: First Quarter Stewardship Report

Dear St. Paul’s Parishioners, My name is Jairus Kleinert, and I am honored to serve currently as the chairperson of the Cathedral’s Stewardship Committee. In this Easter season, I have been reflecting on stewardship as an expression of our Christian hope. As the resurrection dramatically demonstrated the power of God’s love to overcome sin and … READ MORE…

A Letter from Stacey Klaman, Chair of the Adult Formation Committee

This year during Lent, instead of Sunday morning Forums at 9 am, Family Ministry and Adult Formation hosted intergenerational “Wondering Together” potluck lunches in the Great Hall after the 10:30 am service. Everyone in the St. Paul’s community was invited to bring a dish to share and wonder together about topics essential to our Christian … READ MORE…

Letter from Claudia: Showers of Blessings

Showers Of Blessings at St. Paul’s – 2015 – 2023 Hello St. Paul’s, This week’s letter comes from Claudia Dixon, who leads our Showers of Blessings ministry. Eight years ago, a handful of parishioners decided it was high time for St. Paul’s to reach out to the growing homeless population of men and women living … READ MORE…

Letter from Kathleen: Hospitality at the Cathedral

Kathleen Sheehan Burgess – Director of Administrative Operations The first time I really got a glimpse of Episcopalian hospitality was the day I started at St. Paul’s in 2015.  I was greeted by everyone, they had a plaque on my door with my name and title on it, and we had a lovely time doing … READ MORE…

Letter from Maya: The Spiritual Practice of Wondering

Hello St. Paul’s! As we enter into the holy season of Lent, many of us take time to reflect on practices or habits we can give up or take on to deepen our relationship with God as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter.  For some, that might look like a commitment to reading scripture … READ MORE…

Letter from Richard: Backyard Wilderness

Hello St. Paul’s and friends, While I’ve been sick with COVID over the past week I’ve had more opportunities than usual to survey the canyon our rented home sits along. Ever since moving here, I’ve enjoyed the view of this place, and I often get to see hawks and all manner of birds, and occasionally … READ MORE…