a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.
“Lean into Sunday” is an invitation to explore the coming Sunday’s Gospel reading. Each week, families will have an opportunity to read, respond to, and live out the Gospel as a family.
About this Week’s Gospel:
Have you ever heard the phrase, you are what you eat? This is important when we think about Jesus in this sense. If we eat of the bread of life, of Jesus; if that helps form, create, and grow our very human body, we will inherently be changed by that. We will learn and digest his actions and who he is. This is especially true on Sundays when we take communion and take time to rest and restore our souls for the next week in the world.
Read the Story:
John 6:35, 41-51
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life that God gives to you. If you follow me, your heart will never be hungry. If you believe in me, you will never be thirsty.”
Some people didn’t like hearing him say that. They were stuck thinking about the Jesus they knew when he was growing up. “Who does he think he is, talking like that? Coming down from heaven? We know where he’s from. He’s from down the street, from Mary and Joseph’s house.” Jesus answered them, “I hear you talking about me and I know you don’t like what I’m saying. The Father draws people to himself, and those who believe in me I will raise on the last day. I’m telling you, whoever believes already has eternal life.
“I am the bread of life. Remember that your ancestors who were hungry in the desert were given manna, a form of bread God sent from heaven? They ate that bread, but they died eventually like everyone else. But I am the bread of life that you will eat, and you will never die. You will live forever if I become part of you. The bread I give the world so that they may have life, that read is my very life.”
A Note: Children and adults alike may be just as puzzled as those who heard Jesus when he said “ I am the bread of life” and “you will never be hungry”- and that is okay! As adults, it can be tempting to offer easy answers to children. The thing is, the mystery of the Eucharist isn’t easy to explain. What we DO know is that when we trust Jesus and allow his teachings and love to enter us, we are transformed.
“I Wonder” Questions
- I wonder what people need to grow healthy and strong? (Answers may include; food, time, water).
- I wonder what things make you feel happy, healthy, and full?
- I wonder how Jesus makes you feel? Happy? Healthy? Full?
- I wonder what makes you feel close to God’s love?
Activity: Make and Break Bread Together!
Try making this easy bread recipe as a family. You may want to engage in the discussion above as you eat the bread you have made.
Closing Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for figuring out how to help us stay close to you all our lives. Amen.