Help us call a new Dean: take the Cathedral Survey

Hi Everyone,

If you are part of the St Paul’s Community aged 16 or over,  please  be sure to take the Cathedral Survey before 31 October. This is an essential part of the process of calling a new Dean that allows us to define who we are as a people, and what we see as the critical issues facing the Cathedral.  This helps to identify the kind of person whom we need to call.

It’s also an integral part of the Stewardship Campaign, “Cornerstones”.   We will talk about the survey results at stewardship receptions as we consider our values and our aspirations as a community.  More about the receptions and survey here.  A list of “Frequently Asked Questions” about the process of calling a new Dean can be found here.

You can also reach the form by clicking the “Survey” tab at the top of this page.


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