Good Friday sermon: Guilt by Association

Aaron Harvey did not grow up where I did. He grew up in Lincoln Park, in southeast San Diego, the territory of the Lincoln Park Bloods. Aaron, who is black, grew up with his three siblings just streets away from both sets of grandparents, who had themselves moved into the area with their kids in … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: “We Want to See Jesus”

Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 22, 2015 It was spring festival time in Jerusalem. The city streets were awash with tourists and pilgrims. The Temple was crammed with people coming to both worship and sightsee, from all over the Empire. Visiting Gentiles had heard about the Galilean rabbi who had created a stir, parading into … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Facing Down the Fear

The owl Once upon a time, when I was a teenager, my older sister gave me a little stone owl, just big enough for me to close my fist around. At the time I was all about the classics, and the little owl reminded me of Athene, the Greek goddess of wisdom, who is often … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Hard Work of Our Cross

Okay. I know this is early in the morning, but we’re in Lent and the Gospel demands it so we’re going to talk about the cross. Ready? Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel that if we want to be his followers — and we do — then we need to deny ourselves, take up our … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Into the wilderness

We are doing a little time travel this morning. The Gospel passage we just heard takes us back to the beginning, almost the very beginning of Mark’s Gospel story. We are offered three distinct events in Jesus’s life here, each one related in Mark’s typically terse style, just a couple of sentences each. Jesus is … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: We preach Christ Crucified

“Jesus said to the twelve, ‘They will hand you over to councils and flog you in their synagogues; and you will be dragged before governors and kings because of me.’” Happy Cathedral Day! The Gospel for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul isn’t exactly filled with sweetness and light. It speaks of persecution, … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Glorifying God with My Body

I’m conducting an informal poll this morning and am wondering if anyone has recently woken up, rubbed their eyes, and looked into the mirror and thought, “Wow, I am marvelously made!” Hmm. Not many. There probably will be more folks at the 10:30 service… Today’s psalm does push the bounds of hyperbole for our 21st-century … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Out of Egypt

Some years ago, the Washington Post ran an article about the Washington Auto Show, which takes place annually just before Christmas. A star of the show was the Mercedes G-Class sport utility vehicle. Someone in the admiring crowd was quoted as follows: “Jesus would love to drive one of these … if he’s Jesus here-and-now … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: the First Sunday after Christmas

Alleluia, unto us a child is born. O come let us adore him, Alleluia.  What did you get for Christmas? Did you get what you wanted? Was it what you really wanted? It’s a question that evolves through our lives, from the colorful toy of early childhood, to the electronic gadgets and gift cards of … READ MORE…