The Sunday Sermon: Rejoice, Anyway

Today, the third Sunday of Advent, is known as “Gaudete” Sunday. That means “Rejoice”. For those who treat Advent as a penitential season of fasting, today is the mid-point when you can take a break, have that glass of wine or piece of chocolate. It’s a companion to the fourth Sunday in Lent, and both … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Peace and Justice

Dear St. Paul’s family, When I go shopping for Christmas cards, I notice that a lot of beautiful cards carry the message “Peace on Earth”. This speaks to the core of our faith. The angels sang of peace on earth when they brought the good news to the shepherds, and we acclaim Jesus as Prince … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Waiting for the voice

One of the things that has been in my Advent reflections this week is the difficulty I have, maybe we all have, with trust. In our post-modern world, we do not trust news sources without evaluating their bias and point of view. We certainly don’t trust Facebook. I participated in an online conversation yesterday in … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: The Advent Season

Dear St. Paul’s family, Last Sunday we began a new liturgical year. If you’ve been attending an Episcopal or Roman Catholic church for a few years you’ll be familiar with the annual cycle that starts four Sundays before Christmas. The Advent (from the Latin for “arrival” or “coming”) season gives us an opportunity to prepare … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Putting on the Armor of Light

Imagine you are walking down a city street. It is night, and the street is dark. The buildings around you are ancient, stained black with the soot of centuries. You see a light shining from a street-level window, piercing the darkness. As you come abreast of the window you see a Bible on a bookstand, … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Sub-Organist and Assistant Choirmaster

Dear St. Paul’s family, As we begin the beautiful season of Advent, it’s especially timely to hear about the ministry of our sub-organist and assistant choirmaster, Gabriel Arregui. Gabriel first discovered St. Paul’s some 40 years ago and it has been his spiritual home ever since, regardless of where his musical vocation has taken him. … READ MORE…

THe Sunday Sermon: The widow’s mite

There was a young man who wanted to be a newspaper writer. He quit college to get right at it. He got a job and was immediately put on the city desk. The city desk was shaped like a huge horseshoe, with the city editor at the apex, and all the other writers sitting along … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Pledges Made in Faith, Fulfilled with Joy

Today’s Collect, or opening prayer, is one of my favorites. “Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life …” Besides the sheer poetry … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Communications Coordinator

Dear St. Paul’s family, As you know, the Cathedral employs a number of professionals to help us “equip the saints for the work of ministry.” Over the course of the next few weeks I want to share with you a sense of what some of our wonderful staff offer us. To begin, I asked Wayne … READ MORE…