Dean Letter: Climate Change and Our Church

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and all who dwell therein.”   – Psalm 24:1      Dear St. Paul’s family, In 2019 our Endowment Committee voted to reallocate  about $700,000 of our stock holdings to a fossil-free fund managed by our investment adviser, State Street Global. This represented … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Transfiguration

We’ve all seen the movie: a story of the relationship between a grouch, and a high-spirited kid; the tension between them grows to a dramatic crisis, and is followed by the grouch’s transformation into a kindly grandparent, and the happy if tear-inducing ending. There is always a turning point in this formula where someone’s worldview … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Sabbatical

Dear St. Paul’s family, This week I will give thanks to God for my first six years of ministry with you. This is without a doubt the best job I’ve ever had, and of course it’s much more than a job. One of the many reasons I am grateful is that our church recognizes that … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Costly Grace

Grace. I am for it. If I were asked to sum up my theology in one word, it would be “grace.” I don’t think we act on grace enough in the church. Grace is all about the gifts freely given to us that we cannot earn; about the ways in which God loves us that … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Audio Video System

Dear St. Paul’s family,   It’s been almost three years since our outstanding, state-of-the-art broadcasting system went live. This was a remarkably generous gift from a parishioner. If you are new to our community you might not realize that the little, black, coffee-can-like objects high up on some of the columns in the nave are … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Worship Glossary: Where Am I?

Dear St. Paul’s family, Do you know the name of the place where we gather for worship? Of course, the overall name of our church is The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, but each part of the church space has its own particular name, in the peculiar tradition of the Church that demands specialized words … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Dean’s Comments, Annual Meeting

2019 was a historic year on several counts: We brought our expenses into line with our revenue. We completed the sale that had been in the plan for nearly 20 years. We celebrated our Sesquicentennial, culminating in the Gala and the transformation of our space. Looking back over the first six years of my tenure … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Convicted by Love

I spent three days this week experiencing some of the most powerful preaching and the most inspiring teaching I have heard. Along with Jeff, Maya, our people’s warden Sue, and about 15 other people from this diocese I attended the first Rooted in Jesus conference, in Atlanta, Georgia. The schedule was packed; there were up … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Cathedral Day

Dear St. Paul’s family, Happy Cathedral Day! Every year we celebrate Cathedral Day and our patronal festival on the Sunday nearest to January 25, the Conversion of St. Paul. Someone recently asked me, what does it mean to be a cathedral? A cathedral is a church where the bishop of the diocese has his or … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The gathered community

I had the opportunity this week to watch a video entitled “American Creed.” It is a documentary that frames the American dream, and asks what happens to it when social mobility and trust in institutions decline. “Work hard, and it doesn’t matter where you come from. You can go anywhere.” It’s the dream that has … READ MORE…