Dean Letter: The Pray-Ground

Dear St. Paul’s family, You may have noticed a new feature in the northern aisle of the cathedral, near the Christmas Tree: this is our new and exciting Pray-Ground, an experimental soft and welcoming space for young children and their parents. Our Children, Youth, and Family leadership team has developed this new approach in tandem … READ MORE…

The Christmas Sermon: The Incarnation, a gift of love

The gospel of John which we just read is the only Christmas story in the gospels that does not have a birth narrative. John instead starts way back at the beginning of creation, quickly but poetically telling us of the birth of all things from the source of light and life, the Word of God. … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Wow. Help. Thanks.

Wow. Help. Thanks. The writer Anne Lamott says there are essentially just three prayers: Wow. Help. Thanks. Each of the three is illustrated in our Scripture readings today, on this Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday. “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom.” Wow. Isaiah paints a picture of … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Hope: the tender shoot

“A shoot shall come from the stump of Jesse.” The reading from the Hebrew Scriptures opens with such a particular and strange image. It may be obvious to many of you, but I needed to look into it a little bit because this year for some reason it intrigued me. Why does Jesse have a … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: We begin again

So here we are again, back at the beginning of the church year. We have completed the cycle of seasons and returned to the starting point. Everything about this beginning feels contradictory: nature’s seasons begin with spring, but here we are starting out as the natural world is packing up for the winter, putting away … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Civil Conversations

Dear St. Paul’s family, I don’t think anyone will dispute the fact that we are living in a time when the social fabric of our society is being stressed and torn by disagreement. Not long ago it was possible to disagree over any number of topics and remain in relationship. But in the USA today … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Going to Church; Being Church

“The days will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.” If you’ve looked at the other side of our campus lately this sentence might be resonating for you in new ways. In some of the conversations I’ve had over the last few months, people with long memories … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Pledge Ingathering Sunday

Dear St. Paul’s family, This fall’s series of socials has been wonderful. About 100 of you attended one of the three gatherings, and it was very clear how much cathedral people enjoy being together. I was glad to share my own excitement about where we are, with the construction well under way, the staff safely … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon : DIscipleship

Several of us went to diocesan convention in Palm Desert for the past two days. It was our new bishop’s first convention with us, and I have to say it was a real treat to see her in action. I’m sure most of you have heard the narrative of church decline; maybe even seen the … READ MORE…