Dean Letter: Updates

For those who have not yet taken the Regathering Survey CLICK HERE. To participate in the “Zoom Audience” of the Play Reading on Saturday, June 13, 1 PM CLICK HERE to email Bill. Text:  Text: Hello St. Paul’s, Thank you to everyone who has completed our regathering survey: there has been a terrific response! The … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Surprising Joy of Pentecost

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

We are given two very different Pentecost stories today. The story in Acts 2, with the crowds and the flames and the multiple languages and the accusations of drunkenness, is the familiar one. And with good reason: what a great story it makes! Noise, color, drama: all the elements that make the Bible fun. But … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Unknown God

Have you heard the one about the extraterrestrial visitor who landed in one of our cities? They saw the shopping malls crowded and the churches empty and reported back to the mother ship that the shopping malls housed the object of worship for our species. Well, today both the malls and the churches are empty, … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Already and Not Yet

Dear St. Paul’s family,  We are hearing a lot about plans to restart the economy and relax stay-home orders, while public health experts warn us that the pandemic still has a long way to run. The mixture of messages is confusing; I find myself longing for a single message: just tell us what to do! … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Office Canticles

Dear St. Paul’s family, The current crisis has had the effect of taking us back to the Anglican tradition of Morning Prayer, not only on weekdays but also on Sunday mornings while we are unable to offer Communion. Those who have joined the Episcopal Church in the last 40 years may find the Morning Prayer … READ MORE…