Dean Letter: Seeking Explanation

Hello St. Paul’s, When bad things happen, we look for explanations. It’s part of the amazing curiosity and drive of the human species that we seek answers to all the mysteries of the universe, and that includes the mystery of illness. Why does one person get terribly sick or die from COVID but not another? … READ MORE…

Family Ministry Summer Break

Kids Crew (ages 4-10) and Youth Crew (ages 11-18) will take a 3 week Summer break and resume virtual meetings on Sunday, September 6th. The Parent Small Group will still meet during this time. Stay tuned for information about our Fall Formation Schedule, Parent Small Group, and Free Lesson Toolkits.

The Sunday Sermon: You Give them Something to Eat

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

In the name of the holy Trinity, one God. When I was a child in Ireland in the 60’s, my mother had a credit account at the butcher’s, the baker’s, the pharmacy, and the grocer’s. Each shop was small and specialized, and didn’t offer a wide array of choices. The advent of supermarkets changed our … READ MORE…

Friday Fellowship will Break for August

We appreciate those of you who attended our Friday Fellowships! As our staff’s time is limited we have decided to take a break during the month of August. We will see you next on Friday September 11!

Dean Letter: Sacred Ground

Hello St. Paul’s,  This week the cathedral staff gathered on Zoom for our first Sacred Ground session. We are serving as a guinea-pig for the customized version of Sacred Ground that the eight or nine parish groups will begin using in August.   Much of the first session, with 12 staff members, was introductory; each person was invited to say something … READ MORE…

Piano Update

Last year we sent our magnificent Steinway concert grand piano away to be rebuilt. The work is complete, and the sample recordings we’ve heard indicate that we now have an extraordinary instrument. The piano will remain at the East Coast workshop throughout the summer, as we cannot use it right now and the summer heat … READ MORE…

Need a Prayer Book?

We had to cancel our planned drive-by event on Saturday, but a couple of people have offered to deliver loaner prayer books and hymnals to any parishioner who would like them. In order to arrange a delivery please call the Cathedral office at 619-298-7261.

Resolution of the Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, San Diego

Resolution of the Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, San Diego Declaring Support for Decisions of The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook to Suspend or Otherwise Restrict In-person Worship Whereas, in the current time in which authorities have instituted policies that restrict in-person gatherings in order to limit the spread of the virus that … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Finding Joy

Hello St. Paul’s. We are coming up on five months now since our lives changed so dramatically. I am grateful for the fact that, so far, very few of our cathedral family members have been sick with the COVID virus and only one has died from it. I’m also deeply grateful for being able to … READ MORE…