What if you’re the leading playwright of the early 17th Century and you suddenly become embroiled in contemporary politics? Protestant King James I has written a play claiming to tell the true story of the Catholic Gunpowder Plot to blow him up. His emissary approaches asking you to “clean the play up” for presentation. What do … READ MORE…

Join us for another Cathedral Community Sing on Zoom!

Saturday, September 19th at 3:00 P.M.Join the cathedral choirs in singing the glorious “Messe Solenelle” by Louis Vierne. The Mass was written in 1899 and first performed in the famed church of St Sulpice in Paris in 1901. We will use our archive concert recording from 2018 for the performance. A PDF copy of the … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Clarifying the COVID Guidelines

Hello St. Paul’s, I’m not sure which is more challenging: to have rigid rules that we don’t like, or to have flexibility that brings confusion along with it. I’m sure I am not alone in my struggle for clarity around the rules and restrictions regarding gatherings, worship, and social events. When it comes to COVID-related … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Scavenger Hunt

Hello St. Paul’s, It seems that most people enjoy the quizzes we see on social media, so this week I invite you to test your knowledge of our great Anglican treasure, the Book of Common Prayer, by going on a short scavenger hunt with me through our Prayer Book. I have twelve questions for you. … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: We are all in this together

Hello St. Paul’s, The other day I sent an email to a couple of my chamber music friends, just to check in. We haven’t been able to play together since February, and I have been strangely reluctant to pick up my viola and practice it during the pandemic, although I have, strangely, been playing the … READ MORE…

Chapter Nomination Letter

Dear Members of St. Paul’s Cathedral: We are fast approaching the New Year of 2021. Every three years the terms of four members of the chapter end at the Annual Membership Meeting. It is time to start the nominating process. The Nominating Committee will receive nominations to fill the 4 open seats on Chapter starting … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Scripture Speaks to Scripture

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Two paragraphs from Matthew’s Gospel, set side by side for us today. One, a teaching about what defiles a person, the other a story about Jesus meeting an indigenous woman on the road. Why are we hearing both of these stories today? And why did Matthew put them together? At morning prayer on weekdays we … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Hearing the Word

 Hello, St. Paul’s. One of my favorite Collects goes like this: “Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life …” We hear it … READ MORE…