Dean Letter: Porta Potty

Dear St. Paul’s family, If you’ve ever been involved in a home improvement project of any size, you know that nothing goes according to plan. Our current Cathedral Campus Redevelopment Project is no exception. As you must have noticed, there is significant work being done in the Great Hall building: our development partner Greystar is … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Fighters of Faith

When you hear Scripture stories, do you ever get pictures in your head? The parable of the unjust judge and the feisty widow conjures up a vivid image for me, of a tiny woman, beside herself with righteous indignation, shaking her walking stick in the face of the pompous judge who is peeking out of … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Flower Gifts

Dear St. Paul’s family, As you know, almost every Sunday of the year (except during Advent and Lent) we enjoy a beautiful flower arrangement in front of the pulpit. These arrangements are far from free, and we welcome donations from parishioners to mark special occasions such as anniversaries or other special intentions. Penelope Smith creates … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: the gift of gratitude

When I graduated from high school, one of the things I remember happening first was feeling a sense of wonder. Because out of nowhere, people who I did not know started sending me money. I was amazed. But that was followed shortly by prodding from my mother: “have you written your thank you notes yet?” … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Formation by David

Dear St. Paul’s family, Our former staff member David Tremaine recently published a version of this letter on the diocesan network. It’s a helpful reflection on our lifelong work of formation. Enjoy! Your sister in Christ, Penny What is Formation?  The first question to ask when defining what we are doing in “Formation” is “Who … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Write the vision

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it.” This week I attended our annual clergy conference in Temecula. Driving back on Wednesday, along the Temecula Parkway, I noticed a billboard looming over the highway. In enormous letters it said YOU GOTTA TRY THIS CHURCH! And underneath were service … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Women Together Ministry

Dear St. Paul’s family, One of the most successful cathedral ministries is our Women Together program, which was first envisioned by Nancy Tarbell ten years ago and now regularly welcomes between 60 and 90 guests at each of its monthly dinner and speaker meetings. It is an all-volunteer ministry, with a committee structure designed by … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: God and Mammon

“Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure.” The manager in today’s Gospel needed the collect we prayed at the beginning of the service. He was pretty … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Cathedral Choirs

Dear St. Paul’s family, I recently asked our Canon for Music, Martin Green, to write something about our choirs. Here’s what he wrote; I found it very moving, and I think you will too. If you’ve been around the cathedral for a while you are probably aware that our music program is a special attraction … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Looking for the Lost

In today’s gospel, Jesus tells a story to two groups: one, to the religious insiders who are grumbling because Jesus is talking to a group of people I will call “the lost,” and two, the taxpayers and sinners, “the lost,” who Jesus is hanging out with despite being unpopular with the religious insiders of his … READ MORE…